
Why Can’t Democrats Just Run on The Policies They Believe In?

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Ever since I first became politically active, it was obvious that Democrats have made a point to run to the right of their true positions, presenting themselves as moderates to win over a broader electorate while holding firmly to their leftist agendas. And now Kamala Harris is about to take this political bait-and-switch to a whole new level.

We’ve seen a huge effort in the past week to redefine Harris, a San Francisco liberal with no accomplishments, into a more palatable and competent candidate for the electorate. Suddenly, the left is memory-holing the progressive issues that defined her agenda.

Take energy policy, for instance. During the 2020 Democratic primaries, Kamala unequivocally stated, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

Today, she claims she no longer supports banning fracking, and her campaign accused Trump of making “false claims about fracking bans.”

She won’t own her position on fracking now because if she wants to win the election, she needs to win energy-producing states like Pennsylvania. So she’ll campaign as being pro-energy, as if she never said she would ban fracking and as if she never said we should kill the filibuster to pass the Green New Deal.

Related: Democrat Civil War Watch: Behind the Scenes, Dems Are Anxious About Kamala

Kamala also intends to use her record as a prosecutor to boost her campaign, hoping that we’ll forget that she helped the Minnesota Freedom Fund raise money to bail out violent criminals in the spring of 2020 or some of the inconvenient aspects of her record as California Attorney General.

During her short-lived 2020 primary campaign, Kamala told us everything we need to know about who she really is and what her agenda is. From banning fracking to mandatory gun buyback programs, defunding the police, bail reform, ending private health insurance, reparations, and more. But during every national election, we’re supposed to believe that the Democrat at the top of the ticket doesn’t want to completely transition off fossil fuels or take guns away from law-abiding citizens. This bait-and-switch happens every single national election — and there’s no use in pretending that it doesn’t.

In 2020, Joe Biden campaigned as a moderate who could work with both parties to get things done. Say what you want about his record, but there’s nothing bipartisan about it. Barack Obama was similarly marketed as a unifier in 2008, but he also pushed a radical, leftist agenda on the nation.

Even on abortion, Democrats never reveal their true colors. They work tirelessly to ensure that there are never any restrictions on abortion yet deny that they support abortion on demand up until the moment of birth.

America remains fundamentally a center-right nation, valuing principles of individual liberty, limited government, and traditional values — values that leftist Democrats like Harris abhor. The sad thing is that it often works. Republican candidates have only won a plurality of the national popular vote once since 2000. The lesson here for Republicans is that Democrats are incredibly successful at not only redefining themselves but in defining Republicans to the electorate.


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