
Three Issues Kamala Harris Can’t Run Away From

AP Photo/Alex Gallardo

Joe Biden had enough problems running on his record, and Kamala Harris is frankly in no better position. The media is certainly trying its hardest to reintroduce Harris as competent and a moderate, but it's not going work. In every instance, we have the receipts to prove how bad she is. Frankly, there are a lot of issues the media and their friends on the left are trying to cover up to protect her. 

Here are just three of them, along with the evidence linking her to these problems.


The race to define Harris and her record is on. Clips of Harris in her own words have gone viral on social media, including those where she proudly supported banning fracking.

“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” she told CNN back in 2019.

“And starting with what we can do on Day One around public lands, right?” Harris said. “And then there has to be legislation, but, yes, and this is something I’ve taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue and to your point, we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the health and safety of communities.”

However, fracking is a major economic issue for energy-producing states like Pennsylvania. Harris now claims she no longer supports banning fracking.

“Trump’s false claims about fracking bans are an obvious attempt to distract from his own plans to enrich oil and gas executives at the expense of the middle class,” the Harris campaign said in a statement.

We literally have her on tape supporting banning fracking.

Related: Democrat Civil War Watch: Endorsing Kamala Was Joe Biden's Revenge on the Democrats

Covering Up Biden’s Health

Americans aren't exactly thrilled about being lied to about Joe Biden's declining health, and an overwhelming majority of Americans believe she was in on the coverup.

What did the vice president know about President Biden’s health issues and when did she know it?

And why didn’t she share the details with the American people?

That last is the question nearly everyone who believes there was a coverup has, according to a YouGov/Times of London poll of 1,170 registered voters.

The July 22 to 23 survey was in the field after President Biden renounced his re-election campaign but before he offered a halting delivery of what was effectively a farewell speech Wednesday night from the Oval Office.

A staggering 92% of respondents who believe there was a coverup think Harris knew at least a little bit about the president’s progressive deterioration, which became too much for even mainstream media to deny after his debate debacle against former President Donald Trump last month in Atlanta, though Biden’s issues have been discussed openly on the right since he took office in 2021.

In total, 68% believe she had extensive knowledge of Biden's condition, with 78% of Republicans, 73% of independents, and 82% of self-identified conservatives asserting that the vice president was a key player in the coverup. And, of course, there's lots of video evidence of Kamala Harris touting Biden's strength, health, and vigor.

The Border Crisis

One of the most important issues for voters this year is immigration, and Kamala Harris, as we know, was appointed by Joe Biden to be the administration's border czar. 

"President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem," the Associated Press reported on March 21, 2021.

This fact was reported on quite bit for three and a half years, until Kamala became the Democrats' presumptive nominee, and suddenly the mainstream media literally started memory-holing the fact that Harris has been the border czar all this time.

And, of course, we have the receipts.


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