
The Cover-Up of Biden's Decline Is Hurting Us Abroad

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Joe Biden's cognitive decline is not news to anyone who follows conservative media. We've been reporting on it for years, and there's simply no excuse for why the mainstream media hasn't done the same. Had they been willing to cover it from the beginning, the Democratic Party wouldn't be in the bind it's in now. But forget about that; the real problem is that we have someone who's practically an invalid running the country and — even worse — representing us on the world stage. And a new report has exposed how Biden's decline is seen by our allies.

"Senior White House advisers for more than a year have aggressively stage-managed President Biden’s schedule, movements and personal interactions, as they sought to minimize signs of how age has taken a toll on the oldest president in U.S. history," the Wall Street Journal reports."The White House has limited Biden’s daily itinerary and shielded him from impromptu exchanges. Advisers have restricted news conferences and media appearances, twice declining Super Bowl halftime interviews—an easy way to reach millions of voters—and sought to make sure meetings with donors stuck to scripted pleasantries."

The report brought up an incident in New York last year at the United Nations General Assembly. Biden was asked a question about the Middle East, and an aide had to whisper the answer in his ear, which he promptly relayed. 

Campaign events are also highly controlled. "At some fundraising events, the campaign allows few impromptu moments with the president, even with top donors," the report detailed. 

The campaign has long directed donors to submit their questions for the president in advance, including at an event this year in South Florida with only eight people attending, according to a donor. Biden spoke slowly and stumbled over some of his words, but he ultimately gave detailed responsesthe donor said. The president seemed to have “lost a step,” the donor said, but he didn’t seem impaired. 

The way Biden's handlers heavily control his public appearances is nothing new. It's what the report revealed about Biden's 2022 visit to Germany that was really alarming.

German officials, aware of Biden’s fatigue at night, sought to accommodate the president by planning a June 2022 event with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the early evening.

The informal event, a soiree at the Alpine resort Schloss Elmau during the Group of Seven summit, was arranged as a confidential meeting on Ukraine in a relaxed setting. Biden didn’t show, surprising the chancellor and his aides, officials said. Instead, Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived and announced that Biden had to go to bed, according to two people who were there.

That was two years ago. Imagine how much worse it's gotten, and how much more ridiculous Biden looks, and how that makes our country look. Of course, the State Department denied the report. “Secretary Blinken never said that or anything like it,” spokesperson Matthew Miller told the outlet.

Does anyone really believe that?

Related: Whoopi Goldberg Says, ‘I Don’t Care if He’s Pooped His Pants,’ She’s Still Voting For Biden

It's bad enough that Joe Biden is the guy in charge of running our country. Of course, that's likely in name only, as he has aides who are basically doing everything for him. But he's still the man who represents the United States abroad, and as this report shows, he's representing us poorly. In fact, he's making us look like a joke.


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