Sen. Kennedy Explains Why Men Shouldn’t Play Women’s Sports in a Way Even Dems Can Understand

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Senator John Kennedy (R-La.) has become known for his simple yet incisive takedowns of Biden nominees and Democrat expert witnesses. His pointed questioning often reveals glaring shortcomings, leading to some of Biden's picks withdrawing from consideration due to their evident lack of qualifications. You just gotta love him. More recently, he's also been an outspoken critic of Joe Biden's assault on women's sports.


Earlier this year, Joe Biden, in a blatant move to pander to the radical gender activists of his party, leveraged his executive power to unilaterally rewrite Title IX, the 1972 civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded educational programs and has significantly expanded women's access to sports in education. Biden's unilateral revision restored the Obama-era change that made gender identity and biological sex equal in the eyes of the law, thus allowing transgender-identifying male athletes to compete on women's and girls' sports teams and use their locker rooms. 

Title IX is clear and explicit in its focus on biological sex, without any mention of concepts like "gender identity" or "gender expression" that have been concocted by radical left-wing gender activists, and thankfully, last week, a federal judge ruled that the Biden administration “engaged in unlawful agency action taken in excess of their authority, all while failing to adhere to the appropriate notice and comments requirements when doing so.”

Flashback: Sen. Kennedy Utterly Destroys DHS Secretary Mayorkas

The fight over protecting women's sports will continue on, because too many Democrats don't seem to understand that there are differences between biological males and biological females. Well, Sen. John Kennedy explained things is simple terms that perhaps, even Democrats can understand.


"The differences between biological males and biological females explode during puberty," he began. "Girls, during puberty, develop 14% smaller hearts. Their lungs are 12% smaller... You cannot debate that. It's just a biological fact. That helps boys take in oxygen and pump blood more efficiently than girls can. That gives boys a clear edge in endurance sports like swimming, for example, cycling, rowing..."

Kennedy still wasn't done explaining the differences between boys and girls.

Girls develop a wider pelvis. That decreases the amount of force their legs exert when they're lifting, when they're kicking, when they're pedaling. That's another relative disadvantage, vis-à-vis boys or men, when you compare female athletes to their male counterparts. Now boys, in contrast, develop broader shoulders—a biological fact, folks—that allows them to make space for more upper body muscle mass and gives them a decided advantage when competing against a girl. It's hard to think—I can't think of a sport in which a higher muscle-to-fat ratio isn't helpful. The average boy will grow five inches taller than the average girl. It's just a fact. Even when men and women are the same height men have higher levels of bone density, which helps them move more forcefully and to escape more injuries.


Now, Democrats have, in the past sixteen years or so, gone all in on the idea that the physical and biological differences between males and females are irrelevant to what someone 'identifies" as, yet, as Kennedy so succinctly explains, the moment you let a male play on a women's sport's team just because he "identifies" as a woman, he's got a built-in advantage, and will steal opportunities from his female counterparts.

Will Democrats ever admit this?


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