
The Pride Flag Is a Symbol of Authoritarianism

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

This week, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg bizarrely claimed that the pride flag "symbolizes, you know, love and acceptance and signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they’re going to be okay." Really? Not in this universe. Because that's not how I see it at all. And I doubt you do either. In fact, I see it as a symbol of authoritarianism and oppression. And I'll prove to you why it is.

Obviously, to the LGBTQ community, the pride flag — regardless of its iteration — is a symbol of diversity, unity, and pride. Yet, every June, we learn what the flag's true colors are. Whatever the flag purported to represent in the past, it now represents a movement that has become entrenched in intolerance, coercion, and oppression.

Throughout the year, but especially during the month of June, various institutions display the pride flag to not only virtue signal their support of the LGBTQ community but also declare their loyalty to leftist social values. 

This display, especially when mandated or strongly encouraged in workplaces, schools, and public spaces, forces individuals to conform to an ideology they may not agree with. Dissenting voices are often labeled as bigoted or regressive, stifling genuine discourse and marginalizing those with differing beliefs. 

It's not just happening in businesses either. We've seen countless stories of how kids are being indoctrinated in public schools with LGBTQ curricula and events or with school libraries making pornographic books available to kids. Male students who claim to be girls get to play on girls' sports teams and have access to private female spaces.

Flashback: Never Cave to the LGBTQ Mob

If that weren't bad enough, we've seen the Biden administration treat parents who spoke out against transgender policies, CRT, and other issues as domestic terrorists. Schools have also gotten into the business of socially transitioning children without their parents' knowledge or consent. If you don't think this is an authoritarian cult, remember that three years ago, a California school teacher instructed her students to say the pledge of allegiance to a pride flag. I'd bet anything it wasn't an isolated incident.

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On top of that, there's a growing movement to force compliance with the LGBTQ agenda, including laws and regulations compelling the use of "preferred pronouns." Such mandates typically emerge under the guise of inclusivity, but in reality, they are the epitome of authoritarianism as our government attempts to enforce compliance with this ideology. Meanwhile, the LGBTQ movement and its allies marginalize and attack religious communities with traditional values.

When I see the pride flag, I see a symbol of public pressure to conform under the threat of legal and social penalties. In other words, it creates a sense of persecution among those who believe in traditional values or biology. The diversity and tolerance that the flag claims to symbolize is just a ruse. The flag really stands for the oppression of anyone who disagrees with this ideology.


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