
Could the Unhinged Left Be Crazying Itself Out of Power?

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

The political left hasn't always been crazy. It may have been wrong but not necessarily crazy. Are leftists crazy and unhinged now? Absolutely, and it's an existential threat to Western civilization. At least it could be. 

Believe it or not, they've become so unhinged, so bonkers, so utterly ridiculous, and so authoritarian that it appears that we could be in the middle of a course correction. Don't believe me? Read on.

As our very own Chris Queen reported earlier this week, the European Union held its parliamentary elections, and right-wing parties made some gains in the EU parliament. You know what that means: the usual snowflakes on the left had a bit of a meltdown. 

In France, Marine Le Pen's National Rally won big over Emmanuel Macron's party, prompting Macron to call for elections to sway voters away from Le Pen. In Germany, the center-right coalition secured 30% of the vote, while the far-right AfD surpassed the Social Democrats. Italy saw increased support for Meloni's Brothers of Italy, and Spain's People's Party gained over a third of the vote. 

It's not exactly a conservative takeover, but it's noteworthy. And the reason is that the political left in Europe, not unlike the political left in the United States, has gotten so extreme that the people are waking up.

As Chris noted, the elections were influenced by the voters' discontent over the leftist status quo, including mass immigration and rampant inflation. Weird, the same is happening here, isn't it? European conservatism may not look like American conservatism, but it's something. 

Related: Is ‘Identity Politics’ Dead? James Carville Thinks So.

This isn't the first time we've seen a blowback to left-wing extremism in Europe. In recent years, our European friends have had an epiphany about how completely dangerous and evil gender transitioning for children is. For example, London's Tavistock Clinic, the UK's main transgender clinic, closed in July 2022 due to worries about hasty surgeries and inadequate consideration for children's mental health. The UK's National Health Service (NHS) also implemented strict regulations, such as banning puberty blockers in most cases and discontinuing social transitioning recommendations for children. 

Similarly, countries like Finland, France, Sweden, and Norway have moved away from advocating gender transitioning for youth. Instead, they prioritize psychosocial support — which makes perfect sense since studies have shown that the majority of children experiencing gender confusion naturally outgrow it after puberty.

Europe isn't exactly becoming more "right-wing," and such a realignment wouldn't happen overnight if it were. But the radical left in Europe is flipping out, and the American left should take notice. The United States is experiencing the same problems as Europe, and now, Donald Trump is performing better in the polls than he ever did in 2020 or 2016. He not only leads in the battleground states, but he's also become competitive in a number of traditionally blue states and gaining support from traditionally left-wing constituencies, like black, Hispanic, and young voters.

Be it in Europe or America, the radical left has become too woke and extreme, and voters don't like it. The political class is too insulated from the impacts of their policies to notice or care about what they're doing to regular people.

A revolution could be brewing, and it may be happening everywhere.


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