Is ‘Identity Politics’ Dead? James Carville Thinks So.

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

Famed Democratic strategist James Carville may be a leftist, but he occasionally gets things right. One thing that seems to separate him from many others in his party is his willingness to admit that the woke left has gone too far and is hurting their party. This isn't exactly rocket science, of course; anyone can see that the radical left has pushed the Democratic Party way out to the fringe for decades now. But for someone like Carville to admit this is a big deal.


During an appearance on Bill Maher’s “Club Random” podcast last year, Carville criticized the “identity left” as “goofy” and blamed “overeducated, cultural, white liberals” for ruining everything.

“I find the left to be just annoying,” Carville said, describing the “Western far left” as “habitually the most stupid, naive people you can imagine. They come up with these goofy constructs.”

Right on. Of course, while little nuggets of truth came through during the discussion, most of it was your garden-variety leftist claptrap.

He's at it again. Carville is now saying that the "identity-politics" wing of the Democratic Party is dead — and even blamed it for Biden's disastrous immigration policy.

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"These people are a disaster on every level," Carville says of the identity politics wing of the party. "Of course, they're the reason why we had this idiotic immigration policy for the first part of the Biden administration. I do think that they have paid too much attention to them. But like everybody else, they've come to realize that."

Have they? I'm not convinced, but maybe Carville knows something I don't know.

"And [I'm] proud to say, I was one of the first 'anti-identity-politics' people ever," he admitted. "Remain very proud of it, because I just think humanity always trumps identity. But sometimes, when you win, you just got to take the victory."


Carville went on to claim that the White House has "a more mature attitude about these people," because the administration merely humors them by letting them come to meetings but otherwise ignores them.

I'm not sure where he gets this idea from. He simultaneously blames the identity politics left for Biden's immigration policy — which is still in place even though Biden is trying to get away with supporting border security — while claiming that the White House is not paying attention to these people anymore. Meanwhile, Biden attempted to unilaterally rewrite Title IX to pander to the gender activists, but we're supposed to believe that Biden is only humoring the woke, identity-politics left, instead of pandering to it?

“Everyone hated this [identity politics]," Carville insisted. "It wasn't just white males. It was black people, and Latin people, and females — and no one wanted to live under this tyranny. That's what they were trying to install in the United States is [sic] tyranny. And people rejected it. We have won this fight; it's over. We won, you lost, get over it."


Does Carville think that the identity politics left is dead? Because if he believes that, he's not paying attention; he's just projecting his wishful thinking. Worse yet, everything Biden does is motivated by the identity politics that Carville claims to hate. Either Carville is losing his mind, or he's just not being honest.

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