
What Happens Now?

AP Photo/Seth Wenig, Pool

It's a day that will live in infamy.

The verdict was widely expected, not because the case had any merit, but because it was brought by a partisan, Soros-funded prosecutor who campaigned on getting Trump. The hand-selected anti-Trump judge is a Biden donor who hamstrung Trump and his defense at every turn, and the jury pool was from an area that is overwhelmingly anti-Trump. 

“Today’s verdict, handed down by a partisan and biased judge, is an indictment on the Democrats’ campaign to weaponize the judicial system to attack President Trump," Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement. "The real verdict will take place on November 5 when Americans vote for a president they trust to bring down prices, secure the southern border, restore America’s leadership around the world and Make America Great Again."

The entire situation was engineered for a guilty verdict from the get-go. It didn't matter that the legal theory behind the case was patently absurd, that the crime Trump was accused of wasn't even a crime, or that the key witness was a convicted perjurer.

Despite the fact that everything about this trial was designed for a guilty verdict, it was still a gut punch to hear the verdict when it came in. It feels like America has officially crossed the Rubicon. How can we go back from this? This was a case that should have never been allowed to proceed. And yet, Trump's enemies persisted, confident that they could make it work at every stage, even as legal scholars and experts panned the case, the trial, and the judge's instructions. Many believed that an acquittal was possible because of how bad Bragg's witnesses testimonies were for the case.

Related: Our Country Will Never Be the Same After the Shameful Trump Verdict

At times, I found myself believing that Trump could, at the very least, get a hung jury. Even CNN pundits and experts were saying that witness after witness were hurting Bragg's case. When I heard a verdict had been reached, there was no doubt it would be guilty. There would be no hung jury. 

The question is, what do we do about it now?

I, for one, donated to the Trump campaign, and you may want to as well. But we have to do more. Democrats have repeatedly shown us there is literally no low they won't stoop to in order to preserve their own power, and we have to fight back. Moving forward, the path is clear: Instead of futile outrage, it's time for strategic action to secure victory in November.

"In the end, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way," Trump said after the verdict

He's right.

It took Joe Biden less than four years to weaponize the justice system against all of his political enemies, not just Trump. We've seen innocent bystanders at the Capitol on January 6 thrown in jail. We've seen pro-life activists targeted for exercising their First Amendment rights. This verdict is way bigger than Trump. If Biden wins a second term, conservatives will be systematically stripped of their rights to due process, and we will no longer have a country. 

If this trial has proven anything, it's that that isn't hyperbole.

There is no option but victory in November. 


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