KJP Stonewalled Reporter's Question About Dems' ‘Full-Blown Freakout Mode’

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

On Tuesday, reports surfaced that Democrats are in a "full-blown 'freakout' over Biden" because of his poor polling. The report from Politico said there is a "gap between what Democrats will say on TV or in print, and what they’ll text their friends."


Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy decided to confront White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over the report, and the exchange went as well as you could expect.

"Are you guys here at the White House in full-blown freakout mode," Doocy asked.

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about, Peter?" Jean-Pierre replied, playing dumb.

Doocy then reminded Jean-Pierre about the story from Politico and cited a quote from an anonymous Democratic operative who is in close contact with the White House. You could tell that Jean-Pierre was not happy about fielding this question. She proceeded to deflect the issue entirely with meaningless talking points.

Related: I’d Panic if I Were a Democrat, Too

"So again, I'm really mindful — I'm not going to comment on the 2024 election," Jean-Pierre replied. "I will say this: uh, the president has never forgotten where he comes — where he came from, who he is. He understands what the American people are going through as they're sitting around the kitchen table. You talk — you hear the president talk about his time growing up where he watched his family — having to sit around the kitchen table, making incredibly difficult decisions, and the president has always said he's going to fight for communities that have been forgotten, and you see that in the policies — economic policies that he's put forward. He's going to continue to fight for the middle class. He's going to continue to fight in every way that he can."


Did you catch all that garbage? Well, guess what? Jean-Pierre wasn't done filibustering.

"You heard me at the beginning talk about junk fees — incredibly important, and he's going to continue to fight and to make — you know — that corporation greed doesn't continue to take hold," she insisted. "He is — that is something that he's been very clear about, while Republicans are doing the opposite. They put out a policy where they want to give a big tax break to the wealthiest among us — billionaires and — and corporations. That's not what the president wants to do.”

I can understand why Jean-Pierre would completely avoid answering the question, and it's not because of the Hatch Act. Trump has been consistently leading in the polls, and based on his current leads in Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia, Biden must sweep Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to have a chance at winning. 


At the moment, that's a very tall order because Trump is ahead in all three states. Additionally, Trump is showing competitiveness in Minnesota and Virginia. Those states may not be easy for him to win, but there's still plenty of time. And that's plenty of reason for the White House to be in "freakout" mode.

Related: This May Have Been the Biden Campaign’s Dumbest Idea Yet


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