
Can’t We Just Impeach Joe Biden Now?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

It’s a fair question. Why can’t we just move forward and impeach Joe Biden now?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen enough. It’s been clear for a long time now that Joe Biden was corrupt and abused his power and sold out the United States to foreign countries — even enemy states — willing to pay big bucks to members of his family in exchange for something. The evidence is quite damning and the insistence of the media to claim otherwise, and the desperate effort by the Democrats to convince Republicans not to move forward with an impeachment inquiry, helped make it extremely obvious they know it too.

The House Oversight Committee uncovered a lot over the past year, including millions of dollars in payments to the Biden family from foreign entities in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and China between 2014 and 2019. Incredible effort was taken to ensure these payments couldn’t be tracked. These foreign payments were laundered through 20 Biden family shell companies that have no actual business or product to sell. The only product for sale was Joe Biden and the influence he was peddling.

What more proof do we need? 

On its face, this evidence is damning, but on top of it, we know that Joe Biden has lied repeatedly about his involvement in Hunter’s foreign business deals. For years, he has claimed to have never spoken with Hunter Biden about his business, or ever having contact with Hunter's foreign business associates. We know that he did. We have the evidence of it. The White House has been forced to change its story multiple times to keep up with the evidence uncovered by the Oversight Committee. Even Hunter Biden admitted in his closed-door testimony that he had received millions from China, which Joe Biden has long denied, and that Joe participated in meetings via speakerphone and dined with Hunter’s foreign business associates. Even after Hunter admitted these details, Joe Biden continued to deny it.

 Related: Huge: Joe Biden Contradicts Hunter Biden's Testimony

Why would Joe Biden to lie about these meetings and interactions if everything was ethical?

Are we really going to pretend that the evidence doesn’t point to Joe Biden enriching his family by selling influence? There is more evidence of Joe Biden’s influence peddling than there ever was that Trump colluded with Russia, or engaged in a quid pro quo with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, or incited an insurrection. Yet, Democrats undermined Trump’s first time with the fake Russia allegations, and impeached him twice over the most dubious of allegations. 

We have the receipts to justify impeaching Joe Biden. Democrats never had the receipts to justify impeaching Trump. Never. 

Impeaching a president is no small thing. While it’s true that Democrats weaponized impeachment for partisan purposes, we expect more from Republicans. Impeaching Joe Biden shouldn’t be about revenge; it should be about holding Biden accountable for legitimate abuses. I don’t care how much the media and the Democrats deny it; that threshold has been met. 

And frankly, I think the Oversight Committee has only scratched the surface. There are plenty of impeachable offenses they haven’t addressed. But one thing is for certain: Joe Biden deserves to be impeached.


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