Who's the One Democrat Who Can Beat Biden?

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Joe Biden may be old, senile, and a failed president, but there isn’t a Democrat out there who could challenge him for the Democratic Party presidential nomination and beat him. Or is there? 


Despite the fact that polls show that even Democrats think Biden shouldn’t be running for a second term, according to a poll from The Center Square and Noble Predictive Insights, Biden would crush any likely Democrat opponent for the nomination in a series of hypothetical matchups.

Biden commands a substantial lead over Marianne Williamson (74% to 9%), Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg (58% to 25%), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) (57% to 29%), Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) (53% to 27%), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) (60% to 25%), Vice President Kamala Harris (62% to 24%), former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (54% to 32%), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) (63% to 21%), and Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-Ill.) (64% to 12%).

However, there’s one Democrat who actually beats him: Michelle Obama, who edges out Joe Biden 45% to 43%.

"Michelle Obama currently has the best of multiple worlds," said David Byler, chief of research at Noble Predictive Insights. "She's a celebrity with near universal name recognition. She's beloved by Democrats who remember her years as First Lady. But she doesn’t have the string of failures and missteps that follow anyone who holds formal political office. In other words, she has all the goodwill that comes with the Obama brand but no record that a potential opponent could use against her. She’s not running for office now – but if she chose to do so in a future cycle, she could be formidable."


No, she is not a candidate now. But could that change?

There has long been speculation that Michelle Obama might run for the presidency. During Biden’s first year in office, when the media was speculating about who might replace him on the Democrat ticket if he didn’t run, Michelle Obama came in a close second to Kamala Harris

I’ve gone on the record multiple times that despite the fact that Michelle Obama is popular for being the wife of Barack Obama, I don’t see her as a viable candidate, and I have little reason to believe she even wants to be president. There’s more money for the Obamas in the private sector, and they still have influence to wield behind the scenes to sate their desire for power.

But filmmaker Joel Gilbert disagrees, and predicts that Michelle Obama will ultimately run for the nomination.

“If Michelle announced against Biden I don't think it would be ‘narrow,’” Gilbert tells PJ Media. "Michelle would trounce Biden, no one wants Biden, and Michelle is a wildly popular pop culture figure and best-loved Democrat. Michelle has had 15 years of all positive publicity, magazine covers, talk shows, and [she] brings the nostalgia of the Obama years."

In his documentary, “Michelle Obama 2024,” Gilbert investigates the life of the former first lady and discovers how she, like her husband, has created a fictionalized and sensationalized backstory upon which to base her eventual candidacy and is following the same formula to launch a campaign.


"Barack started in politics by running a voter registration organization called Project Vote. Michelle runs When We All Vote, which she is using to position her 2024 candidacy,” Gilbert says. "She got $26 million from the Soros groups for this organization, which is part of Valerie Jarrett’s left-wing group called Civic Nation."

Gilbert argues that the attempt to make South Carolina the first primary contest ahead of Iowa and New Hampshire was to her benefit as well because half of the Democratic Party electorate in the state is African American. Gilbert also believes that it is no coincidence that the 2024 Democrat National Convention will be taking place in Chicago.

But Michelle Obama has repeatedly claimed she has no interest in running for president and that she’s not interested in politics. 

“There’s zero chance,” she said back in 2019. “There are so many ways to improve this country and build a better world, and I keep doing plenty of them, from working with young people to helping families lead healthier lives. But sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office will never be one of them. It’s just not for me.”

Gilbert believes that is all a ruse.

"The 'Michelle hates politics' line has been used to hide Michelle’s intense lifelong political activity,” Gilbert says. "Michelle is all politics all the time and has been since she was a child tagging along with her precinct captain father who worked for the Democrat party machine in Chicago."


Is Michelle the ultimate shadow candidate, waiting for the right moment to jump in the race and save the Democratic Party from a failing Joe Biden? What do you think?

Check out "Michelle Obama 2024" on DVD or live-stream it on SalemNOW.


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