WATCH: Biden Reveals 2024 Plans — Sort of?

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Joe Biden’s 2024 plans have been an open question for basically his entire presidency. Despite Biden repeatedly indicating that he intends to run, he’s still left open the possibility that he won’t — and frankly, most Americans, including a majority of Democrats, don’t want him to. His poll numbers are in the toilet, and he struggles to speak coherent sentences — even when reading off of a teleprompter. Biden had originally planned to formally announce his candidacy earlier this year, but that announcement has been repeatedly pushed back.


But on Monday, during an interview on NBC’s Today Show with Al Roker, Joe Biden all but confirmed he intends to run for whatever office his handlers tell him he’s running for.

While Biden is not yet ready to make a formal announcement, he did express his intention to seek re-election. Roker broached the topic of Biden’s anticipated candidacy before the annual White House Easter egg roll, asking if he planned to participate in the event after the next presidential election.

“So this is a fantastic event, one of my favorites of the year,” Roker began. “I was just wondering, Mr. President, will you be taking part in the Easter egg rolls after —  planning on — after 2024?”

“Well, I plan on at least three or four more easter egg rolls,” Biden joked.

“At least three or four?”

“May-be — maybe five,” Biden quipped.

“Maybe five?” Roker asked, surprised.

“Maybe six. What the hell?”

The cutesy back-and-forth was no longer enough for Roker, who was hoping to get something definitive from Biden about his currently ambiguous intentions for 2024, and he just went for it.

“Are you saying that you would be taking part in our upcoming election in 2024?”

“Well, I’ll either be rolling an egg,  being the good — you know, the guy who’s pushing them out,” Biden said, whatever that meant.

“Come on!” Roker exclaimed, “Help a brother out!”

“No, no, no. I plan on running, Al, but we’re not prepared to announce it yet.”


So, it sure sounds like Biden intends to run, but until he officially announces, anything can happen. His delayed announcement has left some potential candidates, like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, waiting in the wings for official word. Others, like Marianne Williamson, a self-help author, and Robert Kennedy Jr., the son of Bobby Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy, have already announced their candidacies.

Related: Now This Is Getting Interesting: Joe Biden Gets Another Challenger for 2024, and He’s Not Your Average Democrat

The latest Rasmussen Reports poll shows Trump beating Biden by seven points, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis beating Biden by eight points.


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