Trump More Popular Than Joe Biden Now?

AP Photo/Jason Behnken

Joe Biden’s crisis of competence and credibility has so damaged his popularity with voters that despite outperforming Donald Trump in favorability polls for months, Trump is now more popular than Biden, according to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll shared with The Hill.


“Forty-eight percent of respondents say they have a positive view of Trump compared to 46 percent who say they have a favorable opinion of his successor,” reports The Hill. “Biden’s favorability is slightly underwater, however: 49 percent of those surveyed said they have an unfavorable view of the current president, while slightly less — 47 percent — report an unfavorable opinion of Trump.”

In other words, Biden is underwater, while Trump is not, according to this poll. In fact, 51 percent of those surveyed believe Trump “was a better president than Biden.” You can imagine how hard it was for The Hill, with its history of left-wing bias, to report this. The best they could do to spin it was to report in their headline that Biden and Trump are “statistically tied in favorability.”

“The mounting issues on all fronts have led to the surprise conclusion that Trump is now seen as good a president as Biden, suggesting the honeymoon is being replaced now with buyer’s remorse,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey. “Since Trump lost the popular vote by 5 points, Trump getting 51 percent as a better president is actually an improvement from Election Day.”


This poll is also significant because it is the first Harvard CAPS/Harris poll to show Biden’s approval ratings underwater, as most other polls have. The full poll won’t be released until later this week; one can only wonder how much Democrats are oversampled.


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