
Five Huge Paradoxes of the Transgender Movement

AP Photo/Robin Rayne

I have to admit, the transgender movement actually terrifies me. Why? Because it seems unfathomable that the absurd notion that one can change his or her gender has become mainstream seemingly overnight. In less than twenty years, we saw gay marriage go from being legal on a state-by-state basis to being legal nationwide, and now it’s prompted an all-out assault on biological sex.

Many warned about the slippery slope that legalizing gay marriage would create, and we’ve undeniably seen that come to fruition. These days, we have people declaring their personal pronouns, men playing women’s sports, and kids being given dangerous drugs to appease the transgender movement, lest their enabler be deemed a bigot. Heck, in the latest federal budget, the term “mother” has been replaced with “birthing person.”

This transgender nonsense appears to have hit peak absurdity, yet I fear we aren’t quite to the worst of it yet. The voices of those who have transitioned and regret doing so are silenced. Articles about the differences between sex and gender can be found almost anywhere from the Washington Post to a woke medical journal. Gender dysphoria has gone from being recognized as a disorder to being increasingly embraced by the medical community—so much so that voices from within the medical community in opposition to transgender ideology are actually silenced.

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While the transgender movement would argue that we’re understanding sex and gender and their differences more now, in reality, it seems as though the movement is just making things up as they go, with evolving definitions of convenience, not based on any objective standard—hence the censoring of opposing views.

Often, when I speak my views on this subject, I’m attacked for not being “educated” enough on the subject. Well, for some time now I’ve tried to make sense of it all, and the more I learn, the more confusing it is. As such, I’ve identified five glaring paradoxes (perhaps one might call them hypocrisies) of the transgender movement.

When they say “we’re born this way”

The LGBT community has often used “we’re born this way” as validation for their radical agenda. In fact, Lady Gaga’s song “Born This Way” has been an anthem of the LGBT community. Now, let’s forget that there is no evidence that homosexuality is preprogrammed in our genetics for a minute, and just for the sake of this argument, assume that “born this way” is a valid argument for the LGBT movement.

But, how can people who are gay be “born this way” but transgender people are born the wrong gender? How come they’re not “born this way” like everyone else? How can someone argue that the allegedly inborn nature of homosexuality justifies the legalization of gay marriage, while also arguing that transgender people were born in the wrong body? These are conflicting ideas, each catering to the convenience for a specific narrative.

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When they say “gender is a social construct”

If gender is a social construct, how can one be born the wrong gender? We see this paradox applied a lot when it comes to young children. If a boy likes dolls, wants to wear dresses, or does other things that are traditionally and culturally identified as being girly, or if a girl likes traditionally boyish things, the radical LGBT movement says they must have been born in the wrong body, and must be transgender. But, gender roles/expectations are a social construct, independent of one’s biological sex! Right?

Apparently not. I guess? This commonly-used argument actually undermines the very notion that one should permanently alter their body to conform to a social construct. On one hand, a boy can like dolls and still be a boy, but on the other, a boy who likes dolls is said to be “really a girl” on the inside. Gender, they say, is a social construct, but then why is gender transition surgery a thing? We’re constantly being told there’s a difference between outward appearance and what one feels on the inside, and yet, when those seem to be in conflict, the transgender movement insists that one’s outward appearance must match how they feel “on the inside.” It makes no sense.

When they say “there are more than two genders”

Remember when Facebook first offered, like, 72 different gender options, and yet some people argued that wasn’t enough? Apparently, there’s a unique gender for everything. I’m not even joking. Really, some have argued that gender is a spectrum and that there are infinite genders.

A great example of this appears in the following video from PragerU, where the answers given to the question “How many genders are there?” varies, and even when a person names a small number, like six, the person admitted he couldn’t name them all. So, we’re supposed to believe there are more than two genders, yet, proponents of this concept can’t even tell you what they are. What does that tell you? Does that suggest the theory that there are more than two genders is rooted in science or social pressure?

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There’s more to this, as well. If there are more than two genders, how come transgender people only have two choices for changing their gender: male to female, or female to male? Isn’t that interesting and completely contradictory to the idea that there are more than two genders? Umm, yeah it is. The foundation of transgenderism rests on the biological fact that there are two sexes/genders. So, spare me all this jibber-jabber that gender is non-binary.

When they say people can be “misgendered”

This relates back to the idea that gender is a social construct. For example, according to Healthline magazine, sex and gender are completely different. Even Planned Parenthood acknowledges that sex is based on biology, or, more specifically, “based on the genitals you’re born with and the chromosomes you have,” while gender is “a social and legal status, and set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts.”

So, if gender and sex are different, why is referring to someone by the pronouns of their biological sex when those conflict with their gender identity so triggering? As I noted in an earlier post about Uber, activists say gender expression is not the same thing as gender identity or sexual orientation. So, how can anyone know what gender you claim to be by looking at you? Why should anyone assume that because you were obviously born male but dress/act like you’re a woman that you necessarily identify as a woman? In 2018, a video of a man shopping at GameStop went viral because he was referred to as a man and went on a rampage. Never mind the fact that he looked like a man, sounded like a man, and acted like a man. He wore women’s clothes and accessories, sure, but he got angry for being misgendered. Because, apparently, we’re all supposed to know his gender expression matched his gender identity… I guess?

And, what about the whole gender continuum/infinite genders/gender spectrum thing? If gender can change/evolve or whatever, how are we supposed to keep up with all of it? We can’t. Because it’s nonsensical.

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The absolutely chaotic nature of it all.

Survey the crowd at your next pride parade, and you will most certainly get different answers to questions like “how many genders are there?” or “what does gender mean?” or “what’s the difference between gender and gender identity?” or “is gender fluid or a spectrum or something else?” Heck, there’s no single universally accepted acronym for the movement. Is it LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQI, LGBTQ+, or something else?

There is absolutely no conformity when it comes to answering these and other questions. A fact is something that can be objectively proven or disproven, yet there’s no way to prove this gender identity movement nonsense because there’s no single accepted theory or belief as to what it is or what any of the buzzwords mean.

Yes, it can be proven that there are gay people and transgender people, but, even what makes someone gay or transgender seems to be something of a blurry subject. For example, being transgender can mean identifying as the opposite sex you were born, but if you haven’t started or completed transition surgery are you still transgender, or are there degrees?

I honestly don’t want or care for any explanation, I’m just pointing out the questions. Talk about a gender spectrum, gender fluidity, or a gender continuum takes the whole thing to a whole level of absurdity because you can’t even get a single, universally accepted definition for any of them, and I can’t even figure out if they are complementary to each other or contradictory. To be honest, after writing this, I don’t care, because it’s all gobbledygook.


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