PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—1/6


Happy New Year! Raise your hand if you are in denial that 2017 is here?! Yeah, me too! It seems we were just starting January in 2016, and a whole year has rushed by. Our first week of the new year has been spent trying to get back on a schedule, conquer the piles of laundry that accumulate over the holidays, and find every last sock mate to match up.



Sometimes I feel guilty about needing some alone time. And then I remember I can be a much better mom and wife and friend if I have a little time to re-charge. Adriel has some perfect encouragement and ideas to help busy moms take better care of themselves.

As I start this year I’m realizing that I need to be more intentional about taking care of myself. I’ve had one too many mini-meltdowns recently that I’m positive could have been avoided had I been ordering my life differently and taking care of myself more intentionally.

“Taking care of myself is not my right. It’s my responsibility. If I am not responsible to do this, all of my life and relationships will suffer. (Not good, friends. Not good at all.)”


Get more great ideas over at Adrielbooker.com.


Nothing like planning ahead! Our kiddos love Valentine’s Day. They refer to it as Love Day and prefer to invite all the people near and dear to them over for a party. Maybe if I start planning now, I can have this super cute wreath done by the big event!


Find more crafty ideas from Michelle at craftymorning.com!


Soup is always a family dinner pleaser! And I’m always looking for good recipes!

Let me know how you like this one for Creamy Chicken and Rice Taco Soup.


Find all kinds of ideas at Our Best Bites.


Although I don’t yet have grown children, I was struck by the honesty and kindness expressed by this momma. I am so appreciative when older moms speak out and give us young ones some wisdom. Kathi Lipp at MicheleChushatt.com writes:


But that instinct never goes away, does it? Wanting to fix it and make it all better for those we love, especially our kids. Whether they are six or twenty-six. I would rather be the one in pain than to see my child hurting.

“But life kept coming at my son hard, and I could not fix it. Even worse, I knew I wasn’t supposed to.”



This was personally challenging for me. And a wake-up call to take better care of myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Going into 2017 with this mindset can change my attitude toward so much.

Somehow along the way, moms have begun to buy into the lie that to be a “good mom” requires being a mom that never takes time, energy, or even finances for herself. I have been that mom. The mom that didn’t feel she was worthy of the added requirement of energy to spoil herself with something just because it made her feel better. But not anymore.”


Follow Jennifer at A Momma’s Joy


How did you start 2017?

Share your ideas with us in the comments section, on our Facebook page, or tag us on Instagram with our handle @PJ_Media. You can also tweet them to us on Twitter @PJ_Parenting.



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