The Morning Briefing: The SQUAD Holds a Trump-Bashing Press Conference

(Photo by: Alex Edelman/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)

Good Tuesday morning.

Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today:

  • The president participates in a cabinet meeting
  • President Trump has lunch with the secretary of State
  • The president meets with Republican congressional leadership

“If you are not happy here, you can leave.”

The SQUAD, a clowder of congressfolk that includes AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, held a press conference on Monday to continue the political spectacle the media, the progressive social media mob, and the Democrat presidential candidates have been bathing in for days. All the major media wrote thinky smart stories about the “controversy,” the Twidiots took their brave social media stands, and the presidential candidates gesticulated for almost four days. The controversy surrounds Trump’s remarks about the above-named four congressional harpies, who have been awarded some magical immunity by the self-appointed cultural police regarding their mutterings, no matter how delusional and ill-informed.

When you’ve lost (the racist) Mitt Romney…

At the presser, out came accusations of racism, xenophobia, sexism, Islamophobia and the usual claptrap. But Trump didn’t single out these exhibitionists because of their religion or gender. Trump attacks all his detractors equally. These ladies and the larger progressive coven have made horrible charges against Trump for years: he’s a white supremacist, he’s a Nazi, he runs concentration camps, he’s a racist, he’s abusing children, he’s killing children, he’s a retard, he’s a Cheeto, he’s a rapist, he’s a RUSSIAN spy, he’s a crook, blah, blah, blah. Why shouldn’t he hit them back? There was no pearl-clutching about the hateful environment the leftists have created with their dehumanizing name-calling that facilitated violence like a crazy antifa malefactor trying to firebomb an ICE agency over the weekend, or a Bernie Bro trying to assassinate a group of GOP congressmen. Were there calls to tone it down following any of the hateful anti-Trump rhetoric? No. Well, guess what? We are all going to follow the same rules, so suck it up buttercup.


The press conference included calls for impeachment, a refusal to disavow al-Qaeda and resurrecting the debunked claims of drinking out of toilets and RUSSIA collusion. The whole thing was a real clown show. But by all means, take these harpies seriously.


Ilhan Omar fires back at Trump: ‘He’s launching a blatantly racist attack’

Don’t tell me what I can and cannot say thx. Buttigieg rips Trump, says white Americans ‘can’t be defensive’ when talking about race

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Unhinged. MSNBC guest bizarrely declares President Trump is ‘more racist’ than neo-Nazis

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Meet the #ICEBAE

This story is fantastic. From The Daily Mail: Latina border patrol agent pictured with Mike Pence at Texas detention center becomes viral sensation

After months, years of trashing the men and women of Immigration and Customs Border Control, it’s nice to put a face to the agency.  Here’s a close up of her.
She’s on Twitter now too.

The left is going crazy. Not everyone was pleased to see a hard-working Latina woman getting positive attention: “This country is a mess, we are praising and trending #IceBae when she is literally a guard at a CONCENTRATION CAMP, guarding CHILDREN IN CAGES, RIPPING FAMILIES APART AT THE BORDER. you’re all sick, honestly.”


I hope Trump gets her out on the campaign trail.

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Other morsels:

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And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!


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