Good Tuesday Morning.
Here is what’s on the President’s agenda today:
- President Trump receives his daily intelligence briefing
- Afterwards, the President has lunch with Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis
- Later, the President meets with Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin
- The president will host Public Safety Medal of Valor Awards Ceremony
Media, children continue to push gun control
The media continues to overlook the failure of the FBI to act upon a specific tip warning the agency that the Florida shooter was violent, armed and might shoot up his school, in favor of their own progressive political agenda. USA Today has a small piece explaining the FBI’s tip line process.
On Jan. 5, according to FBI, the public access line received information from “a person close to Cruz” about the suspect’s “gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior…and the potential of him conducting a school shooting.
“Under established protocols,” the FBI said, “the information provided by the caller should have been assessed as a potential threat to life. The information should have been forwarded to FBI Miami field office, where appropriate investigative steps would have been taken… The information was not provided to the Miami field office, and no further investigation was conducted at that time.”
FBI: You had one job.
But the top item on the progressive media’s agenda is some kind of gun ban. While there is some lip service to “sensible gun reform,” I can assure you these people will not be happy with any result that doesn’t involve restrictions punishing law abiding gun owners and doing nothing to stop criminal maniacs. I know this because there is little interest in learning the specific failures that did not stop this monster from killing his classmates and teachers and working to fix them. The solutions the anti-gun people have in mind don’t start from a position of “how can we stop this violence while still protecting the 2A and 4A?” Instead they are going right for the guns, raising age limits to buy guns, banning hicapmags (hello 3D printer!), banning certain “scary” guns about which they know nothing. We are supposed to cave to the direction of people who do not know anything about firearms or about the laws on the books that deal with firearms. No thanks.
We should be talking about what to do with people who are not fit to walk free in society because they are dangerous and criminally inclined but have not yet committed a crime and been confined in our new mental health system: prison. We aren’t going to talk about putting more security in the school system or arming properly trained teachers. People freak out about arming teachers, but there are teachers who are concealing weapons at the grocery store –why not the classroom? What’s the difference here? Just watch — this conversation is not going to be about identifying dangerous people before they harm but rather all about gun restrictions on lawful gun owners.
At least on person gets it: an Ohio sheriff is offering free conceal and carry classes following the Florida shooting.
I am going to offer free concealed and Carry class free 2 teachers in butler county. Limited number. Details coming soon on line. Also training on school shootings.
— Richard K. Jones (@butlersheriff) February 18, 2018
Most other conversations are focused on the guns. ABC News tells us:
Now in the wake of the Feb. 14 massacre in Florida that killed 17 high school students and teachers, the nation is again focused on the question of gun control generally and, specifically, of regulating semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15 allegedly used by the shooter at Stoneman Douglas High School.
Is it the “nation” or is it the media? I believe the media is ignoring any one who isn’t following the gun control narrative. Are there students in Florida who want more security, armed teachers, and better background checks but not gun control? The media will never tell us. This isn’t getting any mainstream coverage. Reuters reports that President Trump is supporting an improved background check system. “While discussions are ongoing and revisions are being considered, the president is supportive of efforts to improve the federal background check system,” Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.
Finally, the kids being used as props by adults is despicable.
An ABC News poll shows Americans prioritize mental health screening to prevent mass shootings.
Florida mayors could be removed from office if they try to enact gun control
Mueller investigation looks at Jared’s overseas financing
Remember, this taxpayer-funded sh!tshow investigation was supposed to be into RUSSIA’S involvement in the 2016 presidential election. However,
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s interest in Jared Kushner has expanded beyond his contacts with Russia and now includes his efforts to secure financing for his company from foreign investors during the presidential transition, according to people familiar with the inquiry. This is the first indication that Mueller is exploring Kushner’s discussions with potential non-Russian foreign investors, including in China.
CNN goes on to tell us:
During the presidential transition, Kushner was a lead contact for foreign governments, speaking to “over fifty contacts with people from over fifteen countries,” according to a statement he gave to congressional investigators.
Is that normal for an incoming investigation? Kushner attorney Abbe Lowell responded to the CNN story: “Another anonymous source with questionable motives now contradicts the facts — in all of Mr. Kushner’s extensive cooperation with all inquiries, there has not been a single question asked nor document sought on the 666 building or Kushner Co. deals. Nor would there be any reason to question these regular business transactions.”
Meanwhile, President Trump continues to question why Obama didn’t do anything about the RUSSIAN interference as he was running the show when it was happening.
Obama was President up to, and beyond, the 2016 Election. So why didn’t he do something about Russian meddling?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 19, 2018
CNN laughably asserts: “It’s a line of criticism Trump has used previously when attempting to deflect attention from accusations his campaign associates colluded with Russia in the run-up to the 2016 contest. ” It’s a line? President Obama was in charge when the RUSSIANS were pulling this off — who else was positioned to investigate? And the “accusations” CNN refers to have no specificity. We still, one year later, have no specifics about this purported Trump-RUSSIA partnership. So yes, Trump is sick of being accused by the media-Democrat alliance over a ginned-up “scandal” that is preventing him from seeing his agenda to completion.
Your daily WTF:
KFC Out Of Chicken, Closes UK Stores
Historical picture of the day:

President Ronald Reagan is pulled along by his pet dog ?Lucky? while he and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher take a stroll in the White House Rose Garden on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1985 in Washington. (AP Photo/Barry Thumma)
Other morsels:
Famed Liberal Journalist Al Giordano Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Jury awards $37 million to family of woman killed by Baltimore police
Amazon cooks up new Prime perk: 5% back on Whole Foods purchases
Krispy Kreme launches new gold doughnut
Georgia looks to drop electronic voting machines in favor of paper ballots
Trump endorses Mitt Romney for Senate
2020 Dem contenders travel to key primary states
High school student arrested after allegedly saying during class, ‘I could buy an AR-15’
Parents Think It’s Unfair Transgender Testosterone-Pumped Wrestler Can Compete With Girls
‘Pig Supporters Not Welcome’: Local Business Targeted After Displaying Pro-Police Flag
Who cares? Trump ranks as worst president in poll of scholars
Lucky Charms first new marshmallow in 10 years is a unicorn
Pennsylvania Supreme Court issues new congressional map, which could benefit Dems
Trump to break bread with reporters at tony Gridiron Dinner
Iran official: Tel Aviv would be ‘razed to the ground’ if Israel attacks
And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!
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