The Morning Briefing: Trump Slaps Obama in Poland, CNN Getting Bullied, Scalise in ICU and Much, Much More

U.S. President Donald Trump gestures while answering a question during a joint press conference with Poland's President Andrzej Duda, in Warsaw, Poland, Thursday, July 6, 2017. The media event is Trump's first overseas news conference.(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

Good Thursday Morning!

Here’s what’s on the President’s agenda today:

  • In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will meet with President Andrzej Duda of Poland. The President will then participate in an expanded bilateral meeting with President Andrzej Duda.
  • Later in the morning, the President will hold a joint press conference with President Andrzej Duda. The President will then participate in a photo opportunity with European leaders.
  • Late morning, the President will give remarks at Three Seas Initiative Summit.
  • The President will then participate in the Transatlantic Roundtable.
  • In the afternoon, the President will participate in a bilateral meeting with President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic of Croatia. The President will then give remarks to the people of Poland. Following his remarks, the President will depart Warsaw, Poland en route to Hamburg, Germany.
  • The President will then participate in an expanded meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany.
  • In the evening, the President will attend the Northeast Asia Security Dinner with President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan.

Trump talks Russia “hacking” during Poland speech

Earlier this morning, the president spoke in Warsaw, Poland, and answered questions with Polish President Andrzej Duda at Warsaw’s Royal Castle. Trump was asked about the infamous RUSSIA election hacking.

“Well, I think it was Russia and I think it was other people in other countries who also interfere,” he said. “I wont be specific, but I think a lot of people interfere.”

Trump pointed out that Obama learned about possible RUSSIAN influence three months before the election and did not act.

“They say he choked. I don’t think he choked,” Trump added. “I think what happened is he thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the election, and he chose not to do anything about it. If he thought I was going to win, he would have done something about it.”

CNN: President Trump is trying to bully us

CNN President Jeff Zucker vowed his disgraced network would stand strong against the president’s bullying and said he would not allow the network to be “intimidated.”

“My job is to remind everyone that they need to stay focused doing their job,” Zucker told The New York Times Wednesday. “He’s trying to bully us, and we’re not going to let him intimidate us. You can’t lose your confidence and let that change the way you conduct yourselves.”

“Television is his preferred medium,” Zucker said. “And he knows our viewers can be swayed because they’re not watching Fox or MSNBC — networks with an ideological bent in prime time.”


However, CNN faces its own accusations of bullying. In a PR disaster, CNN appeared to pressure the creator of the infamous Trump wrestling video to apologize and the network said it would not reveal his identity as long as he did not continue his “online behavior.”

CNN’s actions are disgusting, independent of where you stand on President Trump. Here’s exactly what CNN said about its identification of the Reddit user who published the GIF:

“…because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he’s not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again.”

There’s no reason to unmask this person, even if he’s a racist or an unsavory character. He didn’t ask to be retweeted by the President and he certainly doesn’t need CNN to police him for WRONGTHINK. This is a very dangerous precedent — to have a large corporation single out some internet troll and “encourage” him to get in line. Who is CNN to have this authority?

Claims of being bullied coming from CNN aren’t garnering any sympathy. And on that note:

Lindsay Lohan tweets support of President Trump

“THIS IS our president,” 31-year-old Lohan tweeted. “Stop #bullying him & start trusting him.”


Directly of the President, she said, “Thank you personally for supporting #THEUSA.”

South Park creators will not bash the president, don’t want to be CNN

South Park’s Trey Parker wants the popular comedy show to get back to its roots and will not bash President Trump to get ratings like SNL and CNN do.

“We would do an entire season and there would be one moment that played off something that had just happened and people would go, ‘South Park is the show that does that.’ And that’s just not true. We’re not,” he said.

“We did start to become that, though, especially the last season,” he continued. “We fell into the same trap that ‘Saturday Night Live’ fell into, where it was like, ‘Dude, we’re just becoming CNN now. We’re becoming: Tune in to see what we’re going to say about Trump.’ Matt and I hated it but we got stuck in it somehow.

“This season I want to get back to Cartman dressing up like a robot and [screwing] with Butters, because to me that’s the bread and butter of ‘South Park’: kids being kids and being ridiculous and outrageous but not ‘did you see what Trump did last night?’ Because I don’t give a … anymore,” he said. “We probably could put up billboards — ‘Look what we’re going to do to Trump next week!’ — and get crazy ratings. But I just don’t care.”

Scalise back in ICU

It seems like an eternity ago that a Bernie Sanders supporter open fired on a group of GOP congressmen while they practiced for a charity softball game. Rep. Steve Scalise and three other people were shot and Scalise was injured badly. The congressman is now back in the ICU after his condition had been improving over the past few weeks.


Here’s the statement the MedStar Hospital released:

“Congressman Steve Scalise has been readmitted to the Intensive Care Unit at MedStar Washington Hospital Center due to new concerns for infection,” read the statement, released by the Louisiana Republican’s office. “His condition is listed as serious. We will provide another update tomorrow, July 6.”

Hamburg readies for 100,000+ protestors for G-20

Germany is bracing for the coming protests surrounding the G-20 summit.

Its international character will come into focus when world leaders gather here for the G-20 economic summit, which begins Friday. But its trademark openness will be tested as up to 100,000 protesters turn the old merchant city into a site of a global contest over capitalism, the environment and political and ethnic nationalism.

Their protests draw on a tradition of left-wing activism in Germany’s second-largest city and the birthplace of its chancellor, Angela Merkel. She is hosting a roster of foreign leaders — including divisive figures such as President Trump, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan — at a downtown conference center and the lofty Elbphilharmonie concert hall, a crown jewel of the city, which is among the country’s most affluent and yet burdened by an unemployment rate higher than the national average.

Among the protestors will be Germany’s far-left protestors. A spokesman for radical left-wing group Rote Flora, Andreas Blechschmidt, promised self-defense “if the police attack us,” adding, “Violence can be a productive form of protest.”


The Germans are ready. “20,000 officers will guard about 30 registered demonstrations. Forty-five water cannons will be on hand to disperse crowds.”

“No demonstrator can decide whether or where heads of state and government meet in Germany on the chancellor’s invitation,” said Thomas de Maiziere, the German interior minister.

Other morsels:

Oregon approves measure requiring insurers to cover abortion

Dem challenging Cruz raises $1 million online in two months: report

Duke Law School Offers ‘Social Justice Lawyering’ Class

Reporter gets vomited on during live newscast

This 14-year-old petitioned her school to offer free pads and tampons—and won

Colin Kaepernick Travels to Ghana to Find His ‘Personal Independence’

Mexican gang clash: At least 26 reported dead in gunfight

Hawaii just became the first US state to pass a bill supporting basic income

Laptop ban lifted on Emirates, Turkish Airlines flights

That’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!


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