National MS Society Axes 90-Year-Old Volunteer Over Pronouns

AP Photo/David Goldman

What do you do if you are a prestigious non-profit that enjoys the support of a 90-year-old woman who has donated the last 60 years of her life to promoting your cause? Well, if she accidentally violates the Sacred Pronoun Policies, you send her packing. That is what the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society did to Fran Itkoff.  


After Fran's husband developed MS, he took over a local MS self-help/support group in Long Beach. Fran pitched in to help and kept the group going for  20 years after her husband passed away. In total, she spent more than 60 years volunteering to help people with the disease. She has been honored on multiple occasions by the organization.

Fran was asked to start using her pronouns. She had seen the she/her pronouns at the bottom of some emails accompanying the signature lines. Confused, she asked another person what that meant. She was not sure why the labels were needed. She had always thought in terms of the MS Society being a "whole" organization, and her Long Beach group had always been inclusive. Subsequently, Fran got an email asking her to step down as a volunteer because she did not abide by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Guidelines of the MS Society. The Lakewood/Long Beach self-help group was severed from the society, although the members are free to continue to meet, and Fran and the group's members are welcome to participate in the society's events. 

Keep in mind that Fran's "crime" was not understanding the need for a woman to include "she/her" in an email signature and asking for clarification. And at 90, why shouldn't she be confused? Her goal in life is to help people with MS, which she has been doing admirably for 60 years. By contrast, the pronoun dance, as complicated and pointless as it is, is a rather recent development. Prior to this era, common sense prevailed, and people did not worry about such inanities. Despite getting the boot from the progressive Karens at the MS Society, Fran has vowed to keep her group going, even without the society's support.


You can see the interview with Fran and her daughter with Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok below:

One would think that in this day and age when money is tight and people continue to withdraw into their inner circles, the MS Society would be grateful to have a selfless volunteer like Fran. One would think it would admit there had been a miscommunication and find a way to at least reach some sort of compromise and maybe even offer an apology. But the harpies, harridans, and gargoyles of the Left were not done squatting in their caves and gnawing on their pound of flesh. According to Raichik, the MS Society has dug in its heels. It would appear that this 90-year-old woman who volunteers her time for people with MS has made some of the folx at the society feel "unsafe." They were triggered by Fran asking a question. And staff members are not allowed to comment on the issue.


No, ladies, gentlemen, and whatevers at the MS Society, you are not unsafe. You are narcissistic, cowardly, cruel, passive-aggressive, and power-hungry, but you are not unsafe. There may well be someone at the society who realizes how truly awful this situation is. But they will not speak out. To do so would mean an onslaught of social media tantrums, threats, and Lord knows what else by the pronoun lobby and its allies. So, the MS Society will carry on with this particularly odious display of conceit. What matters is not battling MS. It is making sure that a 90-year-old woman with 60 years of service to her credit is duly punished. 

And this, dear Leftists, is what is at the heart of our opposition to you. When all is said and done, the greatest of your "lived truths," which you fail to acknowledge, is that you care for no one but yourselves. It is why I quit your ranks years ago.  You rage about white people. You rage about the Jews. You rage about Trump. You rage about the climate. You rage about men. You rage about abortion. You rage about gender. And all the while, you produce absolutely nothing of substance or value. You are not interested in creating a better world. You are only interested in more rage, so you can gush on social media about what a warrior you are and indulge in your fantasies. 


Indeed, your phylacteries are wide and the tassels on your garments are long.  


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