KDJ's Clown of the Week Award Goes to....

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What a difference an election can make. I've spent the last four years waiting for the FBI to kick down my door and ship me off to be used as prison currency.  


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These days, I wake up smiling, check my phone to see what Trump has done, laugh, and then go to Facebook to lap up the inevitable Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). So-called adults screeching like harpies caught in a bobcat trap. You can almost hear them spit-screaming on their keyboards and phones as the silicon chip inside their heads gets switched to overload. It's like an old-school Jerry Springer donnybrook, but without the trailer park nudity. 

As I was taking in some of the liberal jackpuddings gloriously blowing their tops, flipping their lids, and creaming their corn, much of it nothing more than hysterical flapdoodle, my friend and fellow PJ-er Chris Queen suggested I come up with KDJ's Clown-of-the-week contest. Finally, I have direction in life!

Let's meet this week's clown candidates:

Clown #1: Michael Signorile

It's ok if you haven't heard of Signorile (neither have I), as he appears to be about as famous as a Frank Stallone album.

Signorile wrote an op-ed entitled "Trump is sentencing 26 million people to death — and counting," which is as hilarious as it sounds. He is referring to how Trump paused almost all government funding for 90 days in an effort to sniff out corruption, which includes PEPFAR, a U.S.-funded program that is credited with saving 26 million lives over 20 years from AIDS/HIV. PEPFAR wasn't mentioned specifically by Trump, but to those with stage four TDS, facts are pointless.


Like a good little apparatchik, Signorile eagerly beclowns himself by hitting every 2016-era Trump-is-the-devil talking point, and adds a few more, including such greatest hits as:

  • "Let’s be clear, for Trump this is eugenics, killing off the non-white people in the 'sh*thole' countries who he surely believes we shouldn’t be spending money on."
  • "Trump is a racist and believes people with debilitating illnesses should 'just die.'"

And no vomitous — and yet hilarious — attack on Trump would be complete without screeching about that phantom boogeyman, Project 2025, which Trump has previously denounced:

  • "Add to Trump’s racism and obsession with eugenics the fact that the people in place in his administration from Project 2025 just want to cut all foreign funding of any kind in their dangerous America First zeal, and want to slash funding to Americans’ social safety net as well."

Just when you think Signorile can't humiliate himself even more, he closes his program with this gem:

  • "And Trump himself is too blinded by his racist rage, and his cruel desire to let people 'just die,' to see any of that."

FACT-O-RAMA! PEPFAR is fully funded through March of 2025. Suggesting a brief stoppage of funding will kill 26 million people is lunacy in its purest form. But when you support the party that wants to abort babies two minutes before birth, and cut off the genitals for those who survive until the age of 15, honesty will never be your friend.


Clown #2: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Like FEMA and every other federal institution, the cultural Marxism known as "woke" has insidiously found its way into the FAA.

Now that divers are combing the bottom of the Potomac River for crash victims, and fingers are pointing in every direction, our own Matt Margolis has posted about the FAA's commitment to communism;

Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring. They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability, and dwarfism.

If the FAA hadn't dedicated its time to hiring paralyzed little people who can't count to ten, would our airspace be safer now and going forward? You decide.

     RELATED: Trump Was Right: FAA Turned Away Qualified Controllers Over Race

     RELATED:  Another Plane Crash, This Time in Philly [UPDATED]

Clown #3: Jasmine Crockett

When you accept that some people are bulletproof from feeling shame, it's easy to see how Rep. Jasmine Crockett (Duh-TEXAS) can say whatever she wants, even if what she says is a lie.

Crockett used the plane crash in Washington D.C. to do the only thing Communist stains can do these days: blame Trump, this time for putting a hiring freeze on many — but not all — federal jobs.


Twitter/X's community notes were quick to clown-slap Crockett, who suggested that the hiring freeze was responsible for the crash in Washington D.C. As it turns, out, air traffic controllers were not a part of that freeze.

FACT-O-RAMA! It's also stupid to assume an air traffic controller hired on Trump's first day in office would have somehow been sufficiently trained to be on the job at the time of the crash.

Crockett is used to shaming herself without even knowing it, and whether or not she wins today, I suspect she will be a regular contestant in this new contest apparatchik idiocy.

Clown #4: Bernie Sanders

Like Crockett, the multi-home-owning Sen. Sanders doesn't shun shame; he embraces it like his Nikita Khrushchev teddy bear he purchased at the Pitești Prison gift shop. 

While questioning RFK, Jr. about his stance on vaccines, Bernie obeisantly bent his knee to Big Pharma, lost his religion, and went all shrilly-nilly over anti-vax onesies being sold "for $26.....for $26!" by a company RFK, Jr. is no longer associated with.


I am not sure which is cringier, Bernie kissing the ring of the pharmaceutical giants who throw him mad stacks, or his hysteria over onesies selling 'FOR $26!" Either way, I haven't seen such ass-kissery since Hillary pretended that she keeps hot sauce in her purse while speaking to "brown people."

WHILE WE ARE AT IT -O-RAMA! My 100% Puerto Rican fiance Jessica hates being called "brown" almost as much as she abhors people who refer to her as "Latinx." And you might want to stop putting on that cartoonish "Spanish" accent when you say the word "Latino." You probably don't apply a Chinese accent at Lucky # 1 Dragon Restaurant and ask for "dumprings" now do you?

I've decided to let Jessica, my brown, Latinx, ¡gondulas! choose the (OUCH, sorry mamita...) first Clown of the Week winner, and she has chosen.....

Bernie Sanders, because he is the most "ridícula" one of the bunch!

However she adds that it was a hard-fought race, and there are no losers in this competition, so participation trophies for all!

Check back next week, I am sure the clown show will not disappoint!


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