
The Bromance Between Joe Biden, China, and the Mexican Cartels

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

China, our alleged number-one geopolitical adversary, has dumped more illegal immigrants over our southern border, which Joe Biden has kept open, than any other nation.

I say "allegedly" because if China is the threat we think it is, why did the NIH fund gain-on-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, despite Fauci's denials

SPOOKS-O-RAMA! A top-level CIA whistleblower testified to Congress that the CIA attempted to bribe six analysts to change their findings and claim COVID came from Bat stew and not the lab in Wuhan, where they believe it originated.

Maybe it is the E.H. Taylor bourbon I am sipping (it was a gift; I typically don't spend this much on my favorite vice) or the cigar I am currently puffing, but I am seeing some pretty serious reasons to believe that Biden, China, and the Mexican cartels are currently involved in a devil's three-way that is warping our republic into everything the globalists want us to become — namely, part of the New World Order. Not to mention, a lot of people are making a lot of money on that wide-open southern border.

BOEING-O-RAMA! Now is a great time to mention that I am 100% not suicidal!

Let's just assume, for feculence and giggles, that Joe Biden did indeed take millions of dollars from Chinese pinkos as the Oversight Committee has repeatedly suggested.

Did China then tell Biden that he had to leave the border open for various nefarious reasons? 

Those reasons include but are not limited to:

  • We know that China is making billions of dollars every year by selling fentanyl to Americans and killing roughly 80,000 of us in the process.
  • China is sending tens of thousands of military-aged people over the border, many of whom have been caught spying on U.S. military bases.
  • The Mexican cartels are selling the Chinese fentanyl in all 50 states.
  • They also make mad stacks sneaking illegals over the border. 

As our own Catherine Selgado recently reported, there are at least 50,000 Chinese nationals in the U.S., most of whom are of military age.

Fox News also reported over 100 incidents where Chinese people were caught spying on American military bases.

FACT-O-RAMA! Shortly after taking office, Joe Biden ended the Trump-era "China Initiative," which sought to catch Chinese spies. He stopped it because he found it to be "racist."

Why does Biden allow divisions of military-aged Chinese nationals over our southern border? Why do Democrats allow Mexican gangs to sell that fentanyl in 50 states? Any way you slice it, it comes up as treason. 

Now is a great time to remind you that our special ops forces and their kids have reported being spied on, including the recent situation where two illegal immigrants from Chechnya were busted taking pictures of a Special Ops Colonel's kids last month.

Related: UPDATE: The Story of a Chechen Shot by a Special Ops Colonel Is Getting Weirder

Twenty GOP members recently, finally, asked about the Chinese crossing the border. Why did they wait until China had 50,000+ in our nation? Why did they wait until there were 100 incidents of Chinese people caught spying on our military bases? I have a sneaking suspicion that the deep state is more of a chasm than we currently understand.

Someone recently told me that they're scared of what is happening. I said, "Don't be scared. The rot was always there. Now, we know about it and can fix it."

That said, Israel had never seen HamaNazi animals hang-gliding into their nation to rape, murder, and burn 1,200 civilians to death.

As always, I call for peace, but stocking up on ammo and survival supplies is never a bad idea.

OPINION-O-RAMA! I know for a fact that more Chinese are creeping across the border in California than Mexicans. Personally, I dont trust Canada's leader, Justin Trudeau. 

Best-case scenario: You can humiliate me in the comments section a year or so from now for spending money on supplies and ammo you never needed.

As far as my E.H. Taylor bourbon and my cigars, you'll have to pry those from my cold, dead lips.

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