Happy International Women's Day, Ladies! The Left Is Mocking You.

(Via social media.)

I woke up today to find the Battle of Facebook in high gear. My conservative friends were jousting with the remaining Marxist chums who haven't yet blocked me, debating just how awful President Sniffy did in his speech last night.   


Out of the usual social media codswallop, I saw a post from one of my remaining commie pals, a woman, who, in the name of International Women's Day posted something about "gender-based violence" being prevalent across the globe. I responded with something like, "Then stop voting for Democrats who allow illegal immigrants into the nation, many of whom will rape and murder women like Laken Riley. #EzPeazy."

My comment disappeared faster than a Twinkie on a fat farm because, to the leftoids, facts sting more than a picker bush on a barefoot dash to catch the ice cream man.

I searched for more Marxists offering mad, panegyrical shouts to women and found a glut of them, many from people who truly believe that I and my filthy, toxic masculinity can be every bit the woman your mom is, right now, by simply "identifying" as such.

OPINION-O-RAMA! How's this, if you can't define what a woman is, you don't get to wish women a "Happy International Women's Day."

Do leftists hate women? I think so.

Sure, the progressives screech about abortion rights for women every four years, but what else have they done for the nation's dames? I'll cut my lawn as you try to think of something.

I'm back.

Here is what steams my clams, some Stalinist broads are actually attacking people who are standing up for the rights and safety of women.

Nassau County, N.Y., Executive Bruce Blakeman passed a law stating men can't compete in women's sports unless the league is co-ed. Letitia James, the Mao-Mao Attorney General of New York, is dutifully suing Blakeman for the "rights" of men in jumpers to play against women. Never mind the slew of women and young girls getting hurt by men in these games.


Check out the Marxists below buddying up to Hamas, despite the murders and brutal sexual assault of hundreds of Israeli women.

Women's rights groups have been silent about the atrocities that Hamas' animals committed. Some find this shocking, but once we understand that anti-Semitic Marxists have hijacked the pink hat grimalkins, it all makes sense.

Related: BLM, Eco-harpies, Trans Loons, and Femi-nags Are All Marxists, But Christianity Is the Cure

Democrats voted overwhelmingly to allow the tsunami of "diversity gifts" to storm our border. One-hundred-and-seventy House Democrats recently voted to not detain illegal immigrants who commit crimes. Democrats have fingerprints on every atrocity that illegals commit against America's women and girls yet somehow wave the flag of womanhood. Worse, the nation's white, unmarried, supposedly educated women gobble this nonsense like Xanax at bedtime. And they vote.

Related: The Growing List of the Ignored Victims of Illegal Immigrant Brutality

And here's the fun part: liberal molls, when compared to conservative women, are nuttier than squirrel droppings.


So it makes sense that liberal chicks are much more likely to support the trans lunacy that looks to replace them. The left has even gone so far as to remove the word "mother" from our lexicon, lest we offend the mentally ill scrotum-dodgers who can't define what a woman is but think poorly applied lipstick will make them one. And don't get me started on the rash of trans-on-kid sex crimes

I wish a Happy International Women's Day to women, especially my lovely, Trump-loving, Latina fiancée. Like me, she is a former liberal. But after years of listening to Rush Limbaugh, she has seen the light. Thank GOD. I could never marry a "utopian socialist." I will never vote for the party that looks to deny, attack, or replace you.

Now that I've truckled vomitously before Jessica's gogo boots, I hope she remembers me next week on March 14.


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