Since its creation, Why Islam (WI), a Muslim proselytizing project of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), has advocated a radical strain of Islam that stresses both hatred and violence. Today is no different. The group continues to verbally attack non-Muslims. And now the group is featuring a poll on its website asking if al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is innocent. The results of the poll are very disturbing.
WI was launched in 2000 by ICNA, a Muslim Brotherhood organization, to provide dawah or Islamic outreach to American non-Muslims. The group purchases advertising via radio, public transportation, and billboards to publicize its name and entice the curious to contact its toll-free number. On its face, WI looks like a harmless religious organization, appearing to get along with others and saying things that everyone likes to hear. But just as with anything else, appearances can be deceiving. And with regard to WI, they are.
Upon visiting the homepage of WI’s website, one cannot help but notice a highlighted tab labeled “Terrorism.” Clicking on the accompanying link, one is brought to a page where WI attempts to lecture readers on how Islam is against terrorism. Evidently, though, this is not the Islam that the group practices.
On numerous occasions, members of Why Islam’s website forum have stated their support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. In September 2008, the following was posted on the WI forum in support of behavior which most Americans describe as terror:
[W]e use the word “terrorism” too loosely. … Your terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. … I agree with the act of resistance. … Whether it be through protest or violence.
In WI’s rant about how Islam is against terrorism, the group uses as examples of acts of violence “a bomb going off in a marketplace” and “the hijacking of an aircraft.” How ironic then it is to see that this same group broadcasting this information is currently running a poll on its site asking whether or not its members think Osama bin Laden, the head of an organization that consistently perpetrates such violence, is innocent.
This past August, a poll question was posted to WI’s forum titled “What do you think of Osama bin Laden?” The three choices given were “innocent,” “guilty,” and “not sure.” As of this writing, over 68 percent voted innocent, 13 percent voted guilty, and 18 percent said they weren’t sure. So nearly 90 percent of those voting said the individual most responsible for the 9/11 attacks is either innocent or they aren’t sure — an ominous sign indeed.
Another subject that is brought up on the WI website is that of non-Muslims. If one goes by what is written on the Why Islam website’s FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), then it would seem that the group entirely respects members of other religions. One reads: “A common misconception about Islam is that it espouses hostility with Jews and Christians.” However, whether or not this statement is true, offending and attacking members of other faiths has become commonplace within WI.
In July 2008, the following was posted in WI’s forum comparing Christians to Satan:
[T]he Christ that Christians believe will come before the Rapture is actually the anti-Christ who the Zionist-Jews will think to be their promised-Messiah. … Most Christians don’t know this. They live in their capsule of ignorance that is hardened by the western main-stream media. … [T]heir greed and covetousness for consumption is likened only with Satan in the Bible.
In September 2008, the following was posted branding Americans, Jews, and Christians as enemies:
[T]he Americans don’t care about their Allies. … Even though, speaking Islamically, they are our enemies and not allies … no Kaffir can be an Ally to a Muslim against a Muslim. … Like Allah says in the Quran, Baqarah 2, “Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you … till you follow their religion.”… [T]hey are not friends of anyone besides themselves … their friendship is an illusion.
And this was said in a post that was put up on WI just last month questioning if Jews are in fact Jews:
Don’t Come With That Old Anti-Jewish Carp. Because That’s An Old Trick. One Would Think The So-called Jews Are The Only One’s Who Had A (Holocaust). … If You Wish You Can Start A Post On The Jewish (Holocaust) Ok .
All of the above quotes are still up on Why Islam’s site, including this one:
The American empire needs to be destroyed once and for all. … And Allah has promised us victory. … Islam is meant to rule the world.
One has to wonder why a group claiming to promote inclusiveness and peace would allow statements such as these or a poll questioning Osama bin Laden’s guilt to remain on its website. But then one would have to wonder why they were placed there to begin with.
The Why Islam religious outreach program is not outreach based on any set of virtues. In truth, WI is nothing more than a vehicle to spread radical Islam, dubiously masquerading as a public service. It is part of a dangerous global movement that has zero respect for others who do not hold the same beliefs.
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