Many Liberty advocates should be familiar with Texas legislator David Simpson, District 7. He hasn’t let being a freshman stop him from taking quick and decisive action.
First, he filed a bill to legalize the carrying of concealed handguns on college campuses by licensed adults (HB 86).
Now, he has filed another bill to ban body scanners at Texas airports (HB 1938). He has a number of co-authors, including Democrats. Reportedly, the bill has support from ACLU-Texas and other pro-rights groups.
The ACLU has advocated against body scanners: e.g. claims of effectiveness are hype; experts can hide explosives by molding them to the skin; “the technology comes up short in detecting plastic, chemicals and liquids;” naked pictures of you can be stored.
Building coalitions can bring sometimes-adversaries together to advance a good cause.
Kudos to Representative Simpson, who understands that when you represent the People, you take action in their interests.
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