Do Most Women Favor Gender-Based Hiring Over Merit-Based Hiring?

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

This election hangs on a single question American women will be answering. Does merit matter in your hiring decisions? On principle, most would likely answer, of course, that women are equal to men. All women want is fair treatment, an equal playing field, and a chance to prove they are up for the job.


Fair enough. But the first law of life is to watch what people do, not what they say. Discrimination based on gender violates justice and is not a gentlemanly or ladylike thing to do to invoke an archaic norm. However, polls consistently show that this election may not be decided on the policy positions or competence of the donkeys or the elephants. The outcome hangs on the gender of the candidates. The quintessential brash alpha male boss and the beleaguered feminist trying to give it to the man is the Democrat campaign theme in a nutshell.

One suspects there is a long list of incompetent male politicians in Congress. Others may run crime-ridden cities near you. All these folks would be more than happy to fail upward. None will be given the chance. None of them would be polling as high as Vice President Kamala Harris is with women. 

One of the kookiest policies of the modern era is the idea that promoting unqualified people to fulfill a quota solves the problem of original sin and injustice. Is the answer to injustice more injustice? When we say justice is blind, do we mean it is blind to incompetence? This election comes down to a single question: Does competence matter to Americans?

It is hard to recall which "wave" of feminism the country is currently being battered by. Whichever it is, among its more radical acolytes, there is a clear bias, if not hatred, against the American male. The current flavor of the month is the phrase "toxic masculinity."


It is nothing more than the age-old battle of the sexes, ginned up with high-sounding psychology and dissatisfied contempt. Here, one of America's greatest directors, Whit Stilman, portrays an aspect of the battle in the picture "Barcelona."


 Obviously, Vice President Harris was a gender hire. President Joe Biden explicitly said he was looking for a black woman for his vice president, and she checked that box. A majority of Biden's government appointments were quota-based minority and gender hires. As Ryan Girdusky has pointed out in his latest post here, only about one-third of Biden's judicial appointments were white. A smaller proportion of those were male. Since over eighty percent of lawyers in the country are white and fifteen percent are minorities, what are the betting odds that we have a lot of judges out there who are not the best or brightest in their fields?


Was Gov. Tim Walz also a gender hire? Yes, and on another level, yes. Yes, they want to sucker in the male vote by this token. But yes, also, because, like the ever-cowed President Biden, he has been totally whipped into line in support of quota-based female and minority hiring. As governor, he has been sued over the policy that guaranteed one-third of a state board would be appointed from a “community of color” or “an underrepresented community.” Nice work if you can get it or at least be born with it.

As the lawsuit filed by the Pacific Legal Foundation says, “State law requires Minnesota’s governor not only to appoint all social work board members to four-year terms, but also to consider race when making appointments and deny opportunities for some qualified citizens to competently serve the public based on no reason other than their race.” 

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Walz has also implemented a plan to start teaching "ethnic studies" through the lens of critical race theory beginning in the first grade. Human race be banned. Let's divide people. Let's make the green jelly beans hate the red jelly beans in the schoolyard. Is it any wonder Tim Walz's Minnesota was ground zero for the race war ignited after George Floyd's death? 


So the 2024 presidential race seems to be boiling down to three Alpha males of different stripes: Donald Trump, JD Vance, and RFK Jr. opposing two Democrats who think the answer to so-called toxic masculinity is more gender-based and minority-based quotas. How has that been working out for the country? It certainly puts women voters who dislike Trump, seemingly the majority in many polls, in a bind. When voting, how enthusiastic will they be about turning the country's management over to two candidates more interested in ignoring competence in favor of politically correct quotas? 


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