
What a Wild Week It Has Been

Townhall Media

It is still hard to believe the attempt on Donald Trump's life was only just over a week ago. 

Since then we have had Trump's classified documents case dismissed by Judge Aileen Cannon; the Republican National Convention, where Trump finally announced his pick for running mate and vice president, Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio); continued revelations about that same assassination attempt ,which only make the Secret Service look worse and worse; and just today the announcement from Biden's handlers that their ventriloquist dummy is dropping out of the 2024 election.

There is a certain irony in it, to me at least. News slowed down considerably after Trump's phony conviction in New York at the end of May, and then we had the debate between him and Biden at the end of June, which kickstarted the calls for Biden to drop out among Democrats who finally acknowledged that his brain is indeed mush.

For two weeks, the Democrat media complex finally paid attention to what those of us living in reality for the past three and a half years have been pointing at.

And then Trump got grazed in the ear by a bullet fired by a 20-year-old loser in one of the greatest lapses in Secret Service protection since John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan in 1981, a failure that we are increasingly learning was so egregious that many are convinced it could only have been an inside job, or the Secret Service was at least complicit.

Democrats and their media water carriers pretended to be shocked and appalled that eight years of demonizing Trump and his supporters as evil incarnate convinced that chump to think he would be doing the world a favor by killing him, and less than two days later went right back to demonizing Le Bad Orange Man again.

In fact, a good third of Democrat voters and even some media personalities are now denying the attempt on Trump's life actually happened and insisting that the whole thing was faked to make him look good.

The hit jobs against Vance started up as soon as he was announced too, with some goober at Vox crowing that Le Bad Ohio Man is a "naked authoritarian" and someone at Politico trying to make the fact that Vance's politics are apparently influenced by the works of J.R.R. Tolkien sound bad.

And now we have come to today, where the pressure for Biden to drop out finally reached its breaking point, and now we're wondering who will replace him.

Will it be Kamala Harris since she's already the vice president? You'd think that would be the logical answer, but who likes her? People are already proposing former First Lady Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton (*retch*), and even Mitt Romney as a better replacement.

And just to reiterate: Trump only got shot eight days ago, and that already feels like it happened months ago.

Therein lies the irony: July has always felt like one of the longest months of the year to me (I blame the Florida heat for that), and just in the last week we had so much already happen that it feels even longer.

It's like the dog days of summer just got a case of political rabies. But like rabies, it does not last very long, and news will probably slow down again until Election Day gets even closer.

But don't be surprised if this persists until November.


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