It’s Shocking How Many Democrats Think the Trump Assassination Attempt Was Staged

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

It honestly doesn’t come as a surprise that the Trump assassination attempt has launched a whole bunch of conspiracy theories. There are certainly a lot of legitimate questions revolving around how the incident could have happened in the first place, but many on the left think the whole thing was staged.


According to a Morning Consult poll, about one-third of Joe Biden's supporters believe the attack may have been staged and was never intended to kill former President Trump.

That’s a shocking number that is sadly believable. After all, most people on the left believe that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, which they, of course, believe was very much stolen.

Related: We Have Yet Another Disturbing Update on the Trump Assassination Attempt

Without a doubt, the left-wing media is behind these attitudes. Over at MSNBC, where anti-Trumpism dictates the coverage, gasoline is constantly poured on the fires of Trump assassination attempt conspiracy theories.

Even former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele questioned whether Trump was actually shot.

"What about reports that it may not have been a bullet which wounded him but glass from the shattered teleprompter?" Steele asked.

As Fox News Digital notes, this theory was debunked two days prior by the left-wing fact-checking site Snopes.

But, there was still plenty of crazy coming from the leftist network.

Enter Joy Reid, a primetime host with a long and storied history of lies and deceit [...] decided to take this one step further by implying that the whole assassination attempt was actually staged and choreographed for Trump's political benefit.

"I have many questions! Like where are the medical reports?" she wrote on X this week. "What caused Trump’s injury, and what was the injury? Shrapnel? Glass? A bullet? Where were the three attendees who were shot seated or standing relative to Trump?"

"Why was Trump allowed to stand and pose for photos?" she also asked.

You get where all this is going: They're saying that Trump was engaging in stolen valor. They're missing the point that even if Trump was "only" grazed by a bullet, he nearly died as a nation looked on.


CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, is also skeptical and wants a “public assessment” of Trump’s injuries.

“A full public assessment of Trump’s injuries is necessary, for both the former president’s own health and the clarity it can provide for voters about the recovery of the man who could become president of the United States once again,” Gupta wrote Friday.

In an article for Fox News Digital, David Marcus recounts a revealing conversation he had with a man named "Mark" at a bar following the Republican National Convention. Mark was deeply invested in the conspiracy theory that the assassination attempt on Trump was staged for Trump’s benefit. Mark confidently asserted, "That whole thing was a setup."

Before Marcus could respond, the bartender, John, who seemed to have no love for either Trump or Biden, interjected, "Nah, two people are dead. No way." Mark dismissed John's skepticism, replying, "This is Donald Trump, he’s capable of anything."

Intrigued, Marcus probed further. He asked Mark how the alleged setup might have been orchestrated. Mark had ready answers, speculating that Trump's people might have bribed the shooter's family or promised the shooter a lenient sentence. When Marcus brought up the death of Corey Comperatore, a retired fire chief who died heroically shielding his family from the assassin's bullets, Mark coldly retorted, "Donald Trump doesn’t care if his supporters die."


What struck Marcus was that Mark did not come across as a stereotypical conspiracy theorist or a lunatic. He seemed rational enough, albeit prone to believing in unfounded theories. As Mark ate his caesar salad and veal piccante topped with mussels, he reiterated his belief that Trump could do anything. This conversation left Marcus pondering how someone like Mark could hold such strong convictions without any solid evidence.

The answer, of course, is obvious. "Why wouldn’t Mark, if he has a steady diet of liberal media, think that Trump is capable of killing innocent people?” Marcus asked. "After all, they say he will deny women their rights, he won’t let black people vote, he will destroy democracy, and on and on and on. Mark is conditioned to believe that Trump is a unique evil and nothing should be put past him."

Ironically, it’s the same kind of coverage that would radicalize someone and make them feel morally justified to shoot Trump.

I certainly have my questions about the assassination attempt, which all revolve around “how could this have been allowed to happen?” Each new development raises disturbing questions for sure, but deep down I don’t want to believe what some of the evidence has me wondering.

The problem is that those who hate Trump want to believe every crazy thing said about him.



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