Leftists Oppose California Trafficking Law Because It 'Disproportionately Targets [the] Marginalized'

AP Photo/Elise Amendola

Remember at the end of May when California State Rep. Susan Eggman (D-5th District) criticized her party for opposing a bill because it tried to impose harsher sentences on purchasing minors for sex?


Here's a little refresher: SB1414 would make buying or soliciting sex from a minor a felony punishable by two years in prison and a sex offender registry. As I said back then, the only rational punishment would be feet first in the woodchipper immediately after being proven guilty, but this is Clown World.

What made it worse, was that California's Democrats opposed it, and Eggman called them out on it by saying, "I’d like to say as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I’m done."

Related: California State Rep Rips Fellow Dems as Pedo Protectors

Yet for some incomprehensible reason, during a recent public hearing on the bill in Sacramento, a pack of weirdos came in to explain why punishing people for trying to buy sex from minors is somehow bad.


True to form, they said that "this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially members of the LGBTQ community, who already suffer from systematic biases within the criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to sexually-based offenses."

Somehow, another speaker threw racism in there, claiming that "under California law, defendants could face years or even decades in prison for sexual violence committed against minors."

And your point is?

Still, have you ever noticed that whenever leftists advocate for something truly horrid like normalizing pedophilia, they couch it in language about how laws are disproportionately unfair to certain groups of people?

You would think that they could find a better strategy because, to normal people, that just sounds like a massive self-own.

Obviously, not all LGBT people are pedophiles and sex offenders, but saying that laws advocating stronger punishment for sex crimes are discriminatory toward them just makes them sound like they are.

It's the same thing with a non-sexual crime: promoting lenience for theft because punishment disproportionately affects black and "brown" (that term annoys me) people just make it sound like all people within those groups are criminals.


This is inspiring me to write a column about stereotyping, but it will be a VIP one. We have a VIP program because PJ Media and our friends at Townhall, Red State, Twitchy, Hot Air, and Bearing Arms frequently face demonetization when we publish something the mainstream media machine doesn't like.

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