
Amber Rose Endorses Trump Harder After Conviction

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

I don't follow very many celebrities, and I doubt most of PJ Media's readership knows who Amber Rose is (I don't know her that well myself), but apparently, the SlutWalk co-founder seems to have decided the Trump Train is a better form of political transportation, especially after his laughable conviction in New York.

To fill you in a bit, Amber Rose Levonchuck is a rapper and model who dated Kanye West and was married to Wiz Khalifa at one point. She is also a feminist, and founded a yearly event called SlutWalk (or at least her own version of it). A former PJ Media writer way back in 2011 can fill you in on what that was here.

Anyway, with a track record like that, she was also a natural Trump hater for a while, telling New York Magazine's The Cut back in 2016 about how much she hated Trump, making the usual insults.

So when Rose made a post on Instagram late this May with Trump and Melania saying, "Trump 2024," where did that come from?

That part I do not know, but Benny Johnson posted a clip from an on-the-street interview by TMZ with Rose suggesting her endorsement of Trump is genuine.

When the interviewer asks why, as a feminist, Rose is speaking in favor of the guy most women's rights activists abhor with the fury of a thousand suns, she just replied, "Is Donald Trump not for women's rights? He is trying to make America great again, that is for women too."

The next question was about Trump's phony conviction in New York, which Rose said, like many others, only helps him more than hurts him because "I think people see the injustice and what happened, and what they want to vote for him more than ever."

From there, the interviewer pointed out that more and more celebrities are endorsing Trump (or at least abandoning Biden like Dwayne Johnson did back in April).

Rose replied, "I think we just did our research, and we're just not brainwashed anymore by the left. I can say that about myself. All these years, I have been brainwashed by the left and I am not anymore."

I'm not completely leaving out the possibility of her just saying this for attention, but hey, when one of the absolute last people you would expect to see being a fan of Donald Trump is making that turnaround, why not welcome them to the party?

After all, actor Dennis Quaid recently stepped aboard the Trump Train, saying he "stands up to people" and could not make sense of what Trump was convicted of in New York (nobody can, Mr. Quaid, that's the point).

He also said what I imagine most people say about Trump's personality: "People might call him an a‑‑hole, but he’s my a‑‑hole."

Of course, Quaid has a bit more pull and star power than Amber Rose, especially since he is starring in a biopic about Ronald Reagan set to release in August with him as The Gipper.

But when even leftist celebrities like Macklemore are dumping Biden (for all the wrong reasons), you know that he is looking at a bad time in November assuming there isn't any cheating.


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