
15-Month-Old Girl at Pride Parade Goes by 'They/Them' Pronouns

AP Photo/George Walker IV

Despite what we have been told, everybody knows "transgender kids" are like "vegan pets." Someone else is making them do it for attention. Does it surprise you that some parents are so desperate for attention that they will refer to their 15-month-old daughter by "they/them" pronouns?

A user on TwitterX named PizzaPepe posted a clip from The New Yorker featuring the 15-month-old girl at a New York University pride parade (judging by the shirts), where a bystander asks how old she is.

"They are 15 months old," the apparent mother answers, "Actually, use they/them pronouns for *girl's name was censored* until they tell us who they are."

A bit of footage of the little tyke toddling about plays before the mother says she is "pulling apart this idea of sex which is related to genitals and gender, which is related to how you move in the world. So what you wear, how you shape your identity with other people, all of those things are related to gender."

No, I do not get it either. I hope to be a dad in the next few years, so I'm all for encouraging curiosity in little ones and letting kids be kids. That used to mean letting them explore the world outside of their immediate self through trial and error (within reason, of course). Since when do babies actively think about the fact that they are a boy or a girl, much less think at all?

If there was anything even slightly redeeming about this video, it was that the pride parade appeared to be family-friendly, as in there was no nudity or raunchiness on display compared to drag queen story hours or similar events.

Still, this woman is setting her little one up for a very, very bleak future.

Just look at Jazz Jennings. As Megan chronicled last March, this poor kid's mom transitioned him at the age of five. Then he received puberty blockers at 11 and gender reassignment *ahem* "surgery" at 17, and he is still miserable, living life as an emasculated, undeveloped male with a whole list of mental and physical health problems preventing him from being a functional adult.

As mentioned, his mom Jeanette is part of the problem, profiting off of her son's torment and gaslighting him when he shows doubt.

Related: 'I Just Want to Feel Like Myself,' Tearfully Admits America's Most Famous 'Trans Kid' Jazz Jennings

But what is sobering about Jazz and this little girl is that even if there was no LGBT lobby exerting undue power and influence to aggressively target children, they would still be subject to some other harmful fad that allows their parents to gain fame and attention through their kids. It could be child beauty pageants (see how those went away?), trying to get them into Hollywood (no comment there), or some other thing that the grown-up victims will write tell-all books about in the future.

Perhaps this is why the LGBT lobby is pushing this on kids so hard and generating so much hysteria about a "trans genocide." They know they are losing and more people are fighting back, so all they can do is make sure the ones still under their sway can never leave, going down with them.

For Our VIPS: Trans Crowd Protests Against Florida Driver's License Law, Say It Is Killing Them

Let's just hope this little lady isn't one of those victims, growing up to be truly comfortable with who she is and living life to its fullest.


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