AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile Outages Fuel Speculation

AP Photo/Alan Diaz, File

Cell reception for many went out for a bit on Thursday.

Sure, it may be fixed now, but the fact that it happened has fueled speculation as to why.

Initially, two solar flares (when the sun releases a big pulse of energy) were thought to be the cause, but Dr. Ryan French of the National Solar Observatory pointed out that flares only affect the side of Earth facing the sun. That makes sense, but it is suspected that outages began before dawn.


Others began to worry that it was an electromagnetic pulse attack. However, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Glenn Beck pointed out that an EMP or cyberattack would be far more devastating than just everyone's cellphone service going out for a day.

AT&T came out and said that their service dropping was a glitch in the system and there was no sign of intentional tampering.

Regardless, the White House announced they would investigate.

Of course, this is the Biden White House we are talking about, and the untrustworthiness we have seen from whoever is running Joe Biden is precisely why nothing ever seems to be happenstance anymore.

No major event can ever be a product of chance or incompetence; instead, someone intentionally caused it to happen for some unknown benefit.

After all, our own Kevin Downey Jr. provided an exhaustive list of the conspiracy theories we have been force-fed ever since Donald Trump managed to win the White House all the way back in 2016, ranging from the Russian collusion hoax to the origins of COVID-19 to Biden winning 81 million votes fair and square in 2020. One he did not mention is the border being totally fine. All of these are patently false or, at a minimum, deserve to be seriously questioned.


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At the same time, our own side has seen its share of conspiracy theories like Alex Soros sharing an article about the state of the economy somehow being a coded message to kill Trump to Nikki Haley convincing someone at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) to cause a blizzard in Iowa in time for the caucus to prevent people from voting and allow her to win (and those were just in the past two months).

Still, this is not to say we should trust everything the government says (I sure don't), but the fact that more and more people are aware of how much we have been lied to just makes attributing the absence of evidence to the truth being hidden by malevolent forces that much easier.

In other words, as much as our supposed betters like to say conspiracy theories are the result of "disinformation," it is the lack of information we hear about current events that makes people fill in the gaps with intentional acts of malice on part of those same supposed betters.

It is easy to think they really know what is going on when we do not receive answers as to why we lost cell service all day immediately, and given their track record of lying no answer can ever be trusted fully.


I personally am not one to immediately assign malice to what can adequately be explained by stupidity or freak acts of nature, but at this rate, my position has become, "I do not think there is a conspiracy behind a given event, but with what we have been subjected to for the past eight years, I would not be surprised if there was."


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