War Is Stressful — And Fattening

There are those who would say “the first casualty of War is Truth,” and there are even those who would say that what Israel is currently undergoing is not a war.


Whatever the case, I am here in Beersheva — on the “almost” frontlines of the conflict with Hamas — to tell you the first thing to go when missiles start to fall nearby is your diet.

It could be the chemical high of the carbohydrates, or maybe the immediate kick of the sugar. It might even be the emotional pleasure of indulging in the chocolate in a guilt-free environment. I am no scientist, but my first-hand study has shown that when sirens are screaming, particularly if it is the second or third alarm in less than an hour, there is nothing more calming than a bite of fudge-filled chocolate cookie. Particularly when shared with the random gathering of strangers in the nearest bomb shelter.

Maybe it is different for people who are alone with the families in their residential “safe room,” but since I have spent most of the last week at my office at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in the heart of Beersheva, I have had an opportunity to research the dynamics of public shelters. All the more so as my office is on the ground floor, so each new alarm brings in a different collection of random passersby.

For even the toughest among us (and I am pretty tough), find it hard to maintain the stoic façade when faced with the group dynamics of panic and fear. Be it the child crying loudly in the arms of his panting father who has just done the 100 yard dash to the safe room or the woman hunched in the corner with tears streaming down her face because she “heard the boom,” I have found myself passing out chocolate and cookies, jokes and silly stories. Anything to distract us all from the brutal reality that someone really is trying to kill us. And not just the immediate “us,” but the hundreds of thousands of residents in the cities of Beersheva, Ashkelon and Ashdod, and towns like Sderot, Gedera and everyone else in between.


According to my understanding of the world, it shouldn’t be this way. Israel left the Gaza Strip over three years ago, offering the Palestinians an opportunity to determine their own future. Unfortunately they chose Hamas, a party that advocates Islamic fundamentalism and a commitment to fight for the destruction of Israel. This agenda can only bring death and destruction as Israel is not going to go away. Nor will we average Israelis accept a reality where the Palestinians can shower a region with missiles and go unscathed.

The Home Front Command has closed all the local sports centers, closed the schools and canceled all afternoon activities. My children are now happily turning themselves into couch potatoes aware that no one will tell them to go outside and play. They are second-generation missile-dodgers: I met my husband in a sealed room during the first Gulf War.

Let me say loud and clear: my neighbors and I are willing to pack on a few pounds if it will mean the ultimate destruction of Hamas’ ability to shoot missiles at us. We are willing to sit in our safe room until the threat of missiles has been eradicated once and for all. (Maybe while Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is in France this week, she can ask for a humanitarian shipment of quality chocolate to make it a bit more bearable…?)


Do not let the images on the news confuse you. Yes, there is suffering in Gaza. But Hamas chose to smuggle in weapons and ammunition to the Gaza Strip when they could have been supplying food, education, and health care to their people, developing their economy and worked towards building a future for themselves instead of towards our destruction.

I blame them for my weight gain.


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