Nuance! Obama: Terrorists Have 'Legitimate Grievances'

“Islamic extremism isn’t specifically named and won’t be during the three-day conference at the White House this week,” Katie Pavlich writes at Townhall. Because Crusades, y’all, apparently:


But the President touting a victory about core Al Qaeda isn’t the most bizarre part of the piece. Further down, Obama claims those engaging in violent extremism have “legitimate grievances” that must be addressed.

Governments that deny human rights play into the hands of extremists who claim that violence is the only way to achieve change. Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies.

What, exactly, does Obama mean when he says “legitimate grievances”? The grievances Al Qaeda and ISIS hold are against infidels and Muslims who don’t go far enough to wage jihad on the West. These “grievances” aren’t economic, despite what the State Department would like us to believe.

Wait, it’s not like the president still parties with Bill Ayers. He’s way past his teenage Marxist radical chic phase, right?

Well, so much for that idea. Which is one reason why Roger L. Simon, our Maximum Pajamahadeen Emeritus asks today, “Is Obama a Manchurian Candidate?”


I am so NOT into conspiracy theories.  For me, it was always  Oswald with the Mannlicher-Carcano in the Texas School Book Depository.  The only conspiracy I ever believed in was the Black Sox Scandal.  And yet… and yet….

No, I still don’t believe it. It’s simply not true.  Barack Obama is not the Manchurian candidate. That’s just an excuse. The only problem is…

He’s worse.  He’s far worse.  Barack Obama doesn’t have to be a Manchurian candidate.  He can and is doing more damage without being one.  A Manchurian candidate could be exposed (yes, and possibly could not).  Barack Obama doesn’t need that.  He and the media and the brainwashed public that elected him are destroying our country (and the West) all by themselves.  They don’t need any secret conspirators in the back room.  They’re all there in public view. And how.

Obamacare and the sabotaging of the immigration system were bad enough, but they are absolutely trivial compared to what is going on now.  We have the next thing to a jihadist in the White House.  From the inability to name Islamic terrorists as Islamic, to the failure to name Jews as the objects of homicidal anti-Semitism at a kosher market, to the complete omission of the word Christian when 21 Christians have their heads cut off (simultaneously!) for being Christian, we have in the Oval Office not only the worst president in the history of our country, we have the worst person to be president.


Exit question: “Will there be a Festivus Pole at the summit?”

Update: Bonus exit question, which will “unexpectedly” never be asked of the president by an MSM journalist:


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