Washington Post Call for On-Air Apology From CNN

“Post media reporter Erik Wemple called on CNN’s Carol Costello to apologize to the Palin family in the same venue where she mocked audio of Bristol Palin reporting a physical assault: on-air,” John Nolte writes at Big Journalism:


Although Costello herself called for an ESPN anchor to be suspended for comments he made about a assault on a woman (after he had apologized on-air), thus far Costello has only issued a short written apology through CNN.

The Washington Post:

Costello apologized quickly and in airtight fashion: “Over the past few days I have been roundly criticized for joking about a brawl involving the Palin family. In retrospect, I deserve such criticism and would like to apologize.” That statement was sent to Politico, but not said on-air.

The Erik Wemple Blog catches Costello’s CNN show daily — and thinks sky-highly of her anchoring work — but didn’t catch any moment of regret mirroring what she told Politico. A CNN spokeswoman confirms no such event has taken place. It must. CNN surely has more regard for its audience than to pass along such an important message through a bunch of media blogs.


I’m not at all sure why “The Erik Wemple Blog” would make such an assumption about the left-leaning network, particularly since “The Erik Wemple Blog” works for an organization whose previous management employed an editor who boasted on C-SPAN of wearing a “Yeah, I’m With the Media. Screw You” button, an attitude that seems equally well-ensconced at the beleaguered news and opinion division of Time-Warner-CNN-HBO.


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