Wolf Tones

John Hinderaker of Power Line on “A Cunning Stunt” by Code Pink in Tampa:

Code Pink may be the stupidest organization in America. Foreign policy, domestic policy, you name it: Code Pink is terminally stupid. Today in Tampa, Code Pinkers dressed up as vaginas–seriously–to protest something, I suppose abortion. So after all these years, feminism has come to this: women are just vaginas. Here they are, making fools of themselves. Ironically, the woman with the “Hands off my vagina” sign apparently supports Obamacare. The real message, evidently, is “Pay for my vagina”:


I had assumed it was simply a PR stunt by earth-toned feminist and Al Gore advisor Naomi Wolf to promote her new book.

(More on Code Pink and the usual suspects on the far left from Allahpundit of Hot Air.)


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