- Roberts v. Roberts, by Rick Richman. During the oral argument on ObamaCare, the justice who most concisely destroyed the government’s argument that it was a “tax” was … John Roberts.
- New Zimmerman Evidence Removes Any Doubt, by Arnold S. Trebach. George Zimmerman: victim of a liberal racist lynch mob.
- Mitt Romney’s Big Problem — and Hence Ours, by Ron Radosh. Playing it dangerously safe.
- Chief Justice Roberts Does It Again! By J. Christian Adams. Roberts’ ObamaCare decision: Deja M.U.D. all over again.
- Hill Conservatives to 50 Governors: Stunt ObamaCare, Opt Out of Exchanges, by Bridget Johnson. Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan talks to PJM: “Everyone understands that this issue is central to the campaign.”
- Happy Dependence Day! By Andrew Klavan. The federal government wants power the way a man wants sex: as much as possible from as many as he can dupe into giving it up.
- John Roberts and the Cloward-Piven Strategy, by Michael Walsh. The countdown continues toward the Marxists’ goal: economic destruction and the remaking of America.
- It’s the Cowardice that Burns the Most, by Bryan Preston. Roberts, reed.
- Who Rules Egypt? The Battle Begins, by Barry Rubin. All that is clear: the leftist West’s much-touted “reformers” have no chance.
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