Breaking “news” from the Onion:
LONDON—Officials announced this week that the country’s ongoing financial crisis would necessitate the closure of a mysterious seaside village operated by the British government since 1967. “In light of the current economic downturn, it is unwise to maintain this secret locale any longer,” said a man identified only as Number Two, referring to the bucolic village whose sole aim appeared to be the recovery of desirable information from former intelligence agents. “Plus, the cost of maintaining human chessboards, outdated penny- farthings, and our state-of-the-art escapee- retrieval sphere just proved too much. We would have closed this whole place down years ago had it not been for one particularly uncooperative resident.” The man refused to directly answer any questions about the village, instead using surreal imagery and oblique references before ending the press conference with a quiet and ominous “Be seeing you.”
In retrospect, I’m not sure how well it actually fit the show, but did The Prisoner have the coolest theme song, or what?
[youtube PhnTMxHOWlY]
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