North By Northwest To Alaska

Yes, posting has been a bit light since the latter half of the past week. My wife and I have been vacationing in Alaska; I’ll be back in the Northern California Command Center of on Wednesday night. (Friends are staying there in the interim.)


Yesterday we finally discovered the Bridge To Nowhere:


It’s actually a gangplank in the strangest intermodal facility I’ve ever seen — connecting the sleek modern cruise ships that dock in Skagway with the narrow gauge White Pass & Yukon Railroad built at the turn of the 20th century, which we rode to Fraser, British Columbia and back:


My wife has been liveblogging the trip (or as near as live as our ship’s spotty wi-fi service allows) and you can read her blog here. (it’s a stock GoDaddy design; don’t let the somewhat Telegraph style message headers throw you through; they connect to a series of fun posts with a fair amount of photos, such as the above.)

As I said, I’ll be back to fulltime blogging Wednesday night, but will be posting sporadically in the interim as time allows.


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