"If she’s totally a disaster you’ll have a funny story and probably still learn something."

More advice from Delta Man at Alpha Game blog on dating: “Why go out with women of low rank, especially if you feel you are of a much higher rank? Well, you have to start somewhere and if this is who’s interested in you it’s the place to start. You aren’t marrying these women; you are going to go out on a date. If she’s totally a disaster you’ll have a funny story and probably still learn something. When I first went down this path I had some weirdos show up, but got some great stories out of it.”


Maybe if both sexes would just treat people as human beings instead of a rank, things might go better. Or not… Maybe people are just a pack of herd animals with a hierarchy. Depressing, but perhaps true.

My question to the rest of us who can’t stand this system is, what is the alternative?


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