David Hogg's Boycott of Laura Ingraham's Advertisers Already Bearing Fruit

David Hogg speaks at the March for Our Lives to demand stricter gun control laws on March 24, 2018 in Washington, DC. Photo by Olivier Douliery/ Abaca(Sipa via AP Images)

Stoneman Douglas High School student turned anti-gun activist David Hogg has organized a boycott of Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s advertisers to pressure them into dropping her show. His effort is already bearing fruit.


The 17-year-old is determined to “change the world,” and in fact believes he is already doing so. In a recent interview with TMZ, during which Hogg revealed he had been rejected by four University of California campuses, he stated: “At this point, we’re already changing the world. If colleges want to support us in that, great, if they don’t, it doesn’t matter, we’re still going to change the world.”

Apparently one of the ways he aims to change the world is by deplatforming conservatives through advertiser boycotts.

Ingraham attracted Hogg’s ire yesterday with a tweet gently mocking his comments to TMZ:

Offended, Hogg quickly produced a list of advertisers to boycott. His sister then complained to First Lady Melania Trump that her brother was being “cyberbullied” by Ingraham.

Hogg, who has quickly embraced the intimidation tactics of the organized Left to silence conservative speech, posted the following tweets late Wednesday:


Fellow Parkland student Kyle Kashuv (a Second Amendment supporter) pointed out Hogg’s gross hypocrisy in targeting Ingraham for insensitive speech:

Unsurprisingly, two craven companies have already buckled under the pressure:

However, conservatives are correctly pointing out that these virtue-signaling companies may come to regret their decision to drop Ingraham:



Twitchy posted some recent examples, such as Dick’s Sporting Goods, which has seen sales fall since it announced it would stop selling AR-15s:

Delta was also hurt when it bowed to the anti-gun mob’s will:

Nutrish is already feeling the heat on Twitter for caving to Hogg’s boycott demands:

Ingraham, meanwhile, “in the spirit of Holy Week,” has apologized for offending the sensitive teenager:


However, at around the same time Ingraham posted her apology, Hogg indicated that he was not ready to make nice:

And Hogg’s sister appeared to outright reject Ingraham’s apology:

Hogg — who seems to be boycotting school as well — retweeted his sister’s tweet.

The organized left has given children like Hogg and his sister a platform to spout off on a subject they know little about. Now, like little authoritarian tyrants, they are drunk with the power they have been given. Nothing good will come of it.

Update 4:03 p.m. Eastern: It looks like the “king of the teen mudslingers” has chosen NOT to accept Ingraham’s apology (via Twitchy):




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