Communist Activist to Tucker: North Koreans Are 'Healthiest-Looking People in the World'

Tucker Carlson and Deirdre Griswold of the Workers World Party. Image via YouTube.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson began his show Monday evening by slamming the U.S. media’s unseemly crush on North Korean official Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of Kim Jong-un. The 30-year-old Jong is deputy director of the Propaganda and Agitation Department and a member of the North Korean politburo.


Media outlets over the weekend proclaimed that she “stole the show” at the Olympics and won the diplomatic gold medal. The Washington Post dubbed her “the Ivanka Trump of North Korea.”

Carlson argued that progressives have had a long history of supporting the world’s most repressive regimes and invited a member of the Communist Party in America to help him prove his point.

Deirdre Griswold, editor of the newspaper for the Workers World Party, came to the show armed with anti-war talking points, which is what she pushed no matter what Tucker asked her.

Griswold began by telling Carlson that she’s been to both North and South Korea and wanted to let the Foxe News viewers know that neither country wants war with the United States.

“We’re in the process of moving towards a nuclear war,” she declared. “The Korean people know very much what war is like and they’re not for it!”

Tucker tried to get the avowed communist to tell him which Korea she preferred, North or South, because she’d been to both countries.

“One is obviously the world’s last Stalinist regime,” Tucker noted. “It’s pretty rigidly Marxist — that’s North Korea. South Korea is floridly capitalist. It’s a market-based economy, which, of course, you reject. Which country would you rather live in personally?” he quizzed her.

But Griswold didn’t want to “debate” that issue because she had “really important” anti-war talking points that she needed to keep talking about.


When Carlson argued that North Korea is a closed country, she retorted that North Koreans know a lot more than Americans think, and cited their alleged 100 percent literacy rate as evidence.

Tucker pointed out that they “can’t read anything but the propaganda,” but Griswold was too busy reciting her anti-war, anti-American talking points to respond. She argued that the North Koreans were not “prisoners” in their own country. They just want to get out from under the threat of war imposed on them by the United States.

“If they’re free, why can’t they leave?” Tucker asked.

Griswold answered that North Korean people “go back and forth,” but that was of no “significance to people here.”

When Tucker pointed out that North Korea has the highest percentage of its citizens in prison in the world — 800 per 100,000 — Griswold, missing his point, argued that the U.S. has the most prisoners, and they’re mostly poor people who can’t afford lawyers like people in Washington and on Wall Street.

Tucker noted that Griswold was helping him make his point: “No regime, no matter how repressive, no matter how many of its own people it has killed, is ever undefended by the left if it hates America,” he declared. “If North Korea suddenly became pro-American you wouldn’t support it. You know you wouldn’t,” he added.

Griswold asked Carlson if he really thinks North Korea hates America.

“I’m going out on a limb there,” Tucker laughed. “Yes, I am.”


Tucker struggled to ask one last question as the communist continued to spew her talking points against the warmongering imperialist U.S.

“Does it bother you… when you see its population starving, and its leader [Kim Jong-un] dying of obesity?” he finally asked.

But Griswold ridiculed the question. “The people there are not starving!” she exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

She admitted that there had been a famine a while back because the Korean War had reduced the country to “ashes” and the Korean people had to rebuild.

“Oh, it’s our fault — OK,” Carlson said, pointing out that South Korea had been bombed into oblivion too. “How did South Korea get so built up?” he exclaimed.

“If you look at the [North] Koreans, they’re the healthiest looking people in the world!” Griswold argued — incredibly.

“Except for the tapeworms and the tuberculosis,” Tucker noted dryly.

Griswold shot back, “You are telling people lies about the world and that’s what your station does!”


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