Checking the comments this morning from my PJ Lifestlye post yesterday on actress Mila Kunis’ anti-communism, anti-promiscuity, and recent pro-Marines sentiments I saw this bit of disturbing news from a commenter:
CarrieannAh……..haven’t you heard the latest?? She’s now bailed out of the Marine’s ball by putting her PR person up to say that she’ll be so busy in Nov — shooting 2 movies — that she couldn’t possibly come to the ball now! I wouldn’t be putting her up on that pedestal until she actually makes a real commitment to go to the ball!
It’s true. Looks like some idiot on her PR team is trying to suggest that Kunis might not be able to attend the Marines Ball. From The Wall Street Journal this morning:
The still-developing story between Hollywood starlet Mila Kunis and US Marine Sergeant Scott Moore encapsulates today’s split-second social media world, as well as the double-edge sword of web-driven public relations.
Kunis appears to have accepted from Sgt Moore, who is currently stationed in Afghanistan, an invitation to the most prestigious, fervently-celebrated, and traditional of all military birthday events, The Marine Corps Ball. Kunis’s video acceptance of the invitation was encouraged and supported by her “Friends with Benefits” co-star Justin Timberlake. The good press and warm feelings which quickly proliferated via tweets, blogs, and traditional media outlets created a major PR win for Kunis as being Hollywood’s bad girl with a patriotic heart.
Alas, within 24 hours of her acceptance of the invite, there are now reports that Kunis will be logistically indisposed due to filming two movies in November and unable to honor her initial promise to Sgt Moore of attending the ball in North Carolina. (Her representative didn’t respond to the Wall Street Journal’s request to comment on the matter.) Not surprisingly, articles about a disappointed Marine with a broken heart have surfaced and villainized Kunis as being someone who is not so “Semper Fidelis”, the Marine Corps motto meaning “Always Faithful.”
My bet: she’ll end up going to the ball, even if it means missing a day or two of shooting on some film. The PR fall-out will be too expensive for her if she backs out.
Updated Friday morning: I have to say I’m starting to appreciate PJ Lifestyle’s commenters. Just as this post was prompted by a commenter with updated news on my previous post, this update comes from another commenter who brings the good news via ABC that Kunis WILL be attending.
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