On Tuesday, one-term state Representative Ilhan Omar (D-60B) appears likely to replace the outgoing Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) by winning Minnesota’s pre-eminent House seat: CD-5.
In October, however, the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board opened a formal investigation of her after reviewing evidence of several violations. Omar has also made, and defended, anti-Semitic comments as direct and vicious as any spoken by a U.S. politician in a generation.
Yet those legal and character matters may only be secondary red flags.
In 2016, an anonymous writer on SomaliSpot.com published verified photos and Minnesota state records suggesting that Rep. Omar is a serial felon and fraudster.
Since then, the additional evidence discovered to back these claims — and the absence of contradictory evidence — are almost as remarkable as Minnesota media’s refusal to lift a finger investigating her for two years.

The above two-page document was signed and filed under penalty of perjury by Rep. Ilhan Omar in 2017. Omar had filed for a default divorce from Ahmed Nur Said Elmi: a default divorce can occur when one spouse attests to be unable to locate the other spouse on whom to serve the papers. (Both documents above are available to the public, as MN divorce proceedings are public record. The documents were photographed by PJ Media at the MN Family Court Records Center.)
Allegations against Rep. Ilhan Omar center around her 2009-2017 marriage to a British citizen named Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, who appears to be her brother. Omar is alleged to have married Elmi in the service of federal felonies: immigration fraud and student loan fraud. (While the latter may seem comparably minor, the penalties for a falsified FAFSA are severe: a $20,000 fine and up to five years in prison. Also, a falsified FAFSA implicates the accused in years of subsequent fraudulent filings with the IRS.) Additionally, there is evidence of state felonies: marriage fraud, and multiple instances of perjury during her 2009 marriage filings and her 2017 divorce proceedings.
The Backstory
Just months after getting married in Minnesota in 2009, Rep. Omar and Ahmed Elmi moved to Fargo, North Dakota. They both enrolled at North Dakota State University.
They both attended NDSU between 2009 and 2011. And that — according to Rep. Omar herself — was effectively the end of the marriage.
See the documents posted above: During her 2017 divorce proceedings, Rep. Omar swore under penalty of perjury that she never again had contact with Ahmed Elmi after June 2011. She filed for a default divorce, attesting that she could not locate Elmi to serve him the papers.
Without context, a brief marriage to a foreign national which begins and ends while both spouses attend the same university is not necessarily worth investigating.
However, Rep. Omar — per her own statement — had married another man, Ahmed Hirsi, by Islamic ceremony in 2002. And publicly available address records show that Ahmed Hirsi also moved to North Dakota from 2009 until 2011.
There was no “break” for Omar and Hirsi.
All three, in fact — Omar, Hirsi, and Elmi — are recorded to have been living together in North Dakota at the same address in 2009. All three are then recorded as living together at a second North Dakota address in 2010-2011.
Then, Rep. Omar herself — perhaps in a moment of carelessness — admitted to a reporter in 2013 that Hirsi and their two children were living with her as she attended NDSU.
To summarize: There is zero evidence that Omar ever separated from Ahmed Hirsi. But there is evidence in the form of: 1) publicly available records, and 2) Rep. Omar’s own admission, that Omar has lived with Hirsi without interruption for 16 years.
New Evidence of Repeated Perjury, and a Family Relationship
After originally being exposed in 2016, Rep. Omar deleted evidence from her social media accounts that appeared to show her visiting a man named Ahmed N. Elmi in London in 2015. This was evidence that she had perjured herself by swearing to have never contacted him beyond June 2011. Omar also deleted evidence that showed her contacting him regularly on social media.
Ahmed Elmi, too, removed several posts from his accounts.
When reached by reporter Preya Samsundar of Minnesota outlet AlphaNewsMN, Elmi admitted to being the man in those London photos with Rep. Omar. However, he claimed to not know the woman next to him in the pictures — despite having the same name and exact birthdate of the man she married, and having been the only Ahmed Elmi to ever attend NDSU.
In August, I published additional evidence showing that Rep. Omar attested to falsehoods by claiming zero contact with Ahmed Elmi since 2011. In October, I published new evidence that Ahmed Elmi had known Rep. Omar long before then. He had graduated from a high school in Minneapolis in 2003, and sources confirmed that he lived with Ilhan’s father at the time.
Now, new evidence appears to corroborate both of those claims.
See the above Instagram post.
In her prior purge of incriminating evidence, Rep. Omar failed to delete this post, which is still live as of this article’s publication. “IlhanMN” is Rep. Omar’s verified campaign account. In the post, she exchanges messages with “AhmedNElmi”.
The below yearbook pictures were taken by PJ Media at a public library in St. Paul, Minnesota. “Ahmed N. Elmi,” born 4/4/85, is listed in the St. Paul Public Schools archives as graduating in 2003. The birthdate is precisely the same as the birthdate of the Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in the 2017 divorce proceedings. The resemblance to the man in the London photos — which originated on Rep. Omar’s Instagram account — is obvious:
Below, see a childhood picture that then-high school senior Ahmed N. Elmi had published in the 2003 yearbook.
Below that is a 2016 post from the “AhmedNElmi” Instagram account. The post is still live as of this article’s publication.
It is precisely the same picture:
The next picture appeared in my prior article. It has since been deleted. It depicts the birthday “04.04.1985” on Elmi’s hospital intake bracelet, and Rep. Omar messaging with him — in 2013:

(Photo credit: Instagram account of “ahmednelmi”)
Here is a screenshot of the Facebook page of “Ahmedn.elmi” (per the hyperlink), which is live as of this article’s publication. Familiar face, same high school, same college:
Rep. Omar Is Still Deleting Evidence
Back in June 2018 — when I first became aware of Rep. Omar’s backstory — I took several screenshots of social media that depicted Rep. Omar in regular contact with “AhmedNElmi” years after the June 2011 date she attested to under penalty of perjury.
Last week on November 1, I revisited the posts.
As you can see below, Rep. Omar has deleted all of her incriminating comments and likes in the past four months:
June 2018
November 2018

June 2018

November 2018

June 2018

November 2018

June 2018

November 2018

June 2018

November 2018

June 2018

November 2018

June 2018

November 2018
Minnesota GOP Wants Answers. Omar Won’t Talk
Immigration fraud, marriage fraud, federal student loan fraud, several instances of perjury, tax fraud on every filing for eight years, even fraud on her disclosure forms while serving as a state representative: all of this could potentially be in the mix based on the current evidence.
Add that to an open investigation into her campaign finances.
And this bone-chilling, “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” anti-Semitism:
It’s sad and disappointing that Representative Omar is continuing to refuse to respond to the real allegations against her. It’s clear to me — as it is to any reasonable person — that there are multiple credible allegations against her, including this real evidence of immigration fraud that questions Representative Omar’s ability to serve the people of Minnesota. I’m certain she is the wrong choice for the people of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District. I call on voters to make the right choice on Tuesday.(Emphasis added)
I hope this question of the history of Ilhan’s marriages can come to a successful conclusion. I have yet to hear her answer for her many campaign finance violations, and she tends to avoid questions regarding her ethics. This creates a pattern of corruption which makes me concerned about future actions she would take in Congress and in other political leadership positions.

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