Lena Dunham's Creepy 'Love Letter' Video to Planned Parenthood

Lena Dunham speaks to supporters of Planned Parenthood.

Watch this creepy video produced by Girls actress Lena Dunham that celebrates the 100-year anniversary of Planned Parenthood. It glorifies eugenicist Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who said: “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”; “birth control is nothing more or less than…weeding out the unfit”; and “but for my view, I believe that there should be no more babies.”


Dunham’s video is narrated by her cadre of pro-abortion buddies, including Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, America Ferrera, Constance Wu, Mindy Kaling, Hari Nef, and others. Collaborators on the video included J.J. Abrams and Jack Antonoff. So basically your typical A-list liberal activists.

The History of 100 Years of Women's Health Care at Planned Par…

This is the little-known history behind America's most famous health care provider – thanks to Lena Dunham, Mindy Kaling, Amy Schumer, Tessa Thompson, Meryl Streep, and more

Posted by NowThis Her on Monday, January 16, 2017

Dunham was moved to make the video to oppose Congress’ plans to defund Planned Parenthood. She says “[w]e are now tasked with embodying the spirit of these fighters once more.”

“Planned Parenthood spends every day thinking critically and working to do better, staying open despite how hard the world tries to shut them down,” she writes. “Its leaders fight complacency in the world, and they never stop fighting it within themselves. That’s a lesson we can all use.”

The real lesson we can all use is that Planned Parenthood isn’t about “women’s health,” but killing babies. According to their 2013-2014 annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,166 abortions, which makes it the biggest abortion provider in the country.


“An unborn baby dies every 96 seconds inside a Planned Parenthood clinic,” and the organization’s revenues exceed $1.3 billion annually. According to their own reports, 41% of Planned Parenthood’s income comes from “Government Health Services Grants and Reimbursements.” And to show just how profitable the abortion business is, the head of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, makes $600,000 per year.

Planned Parenthood claims that it “provides” mammograms, but this is far from the truth. Rep. Carolyn Maloney claimed,

All of the signatories [of a letter in support of defunding Planned Parenthood] are men. None of whom will get pregnant, or need a cervical screening for cancer, or a mammogram, or a pap smear, or other life-saving services that are provided by Planned Parenthood.

But the Planned Parenthood president herself said in a September 29 congressional hearing “that there aren’t any Planned Parenthood clinics—I believe, to the best of my knowledge, not any have mammogram machines at their facility.”

A Planned Parenthood staff member in Arizona admitted, “We don’t provide those services whatsoever.”

This was confirmed in a report by the Washington Post:

Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows it gave 487,029 breast exam services for women in 2013. This is a clinical breast exam, checking for changes or lumps in women’s breasts. If the doctor finds something abnormal or worth checking out, the patient is referred for a mammogram, which requires X-rays given at a licensed radiology facility. Planned Parenthood does administer Pap tests and HPV tests, both of which screen for cervical cancer.

Richards said during the hearing that Planned Parenthood clinics do not have mammogram machines. The Federal Drug Administration’s list, updated weekly, of certified mammography facilities does not list any Planned Parenthood clinics. Some Planned Parenthood affiliates host free mammography mobile vans for low-income and uninsured women.

Despite the ongoing emphasis on Planned Parenthood’s mammogram referrals, this service does not reflect the core clients of the organization — certainly not clients in the reproductive age or have the highest rate of first-time abortions. Mammograms are recommended once a year for women 40 to 49, and every other year for women 50 to 74 years. Referrals are less commonly made for women under 40.

In 2013, about 7 percent of Planned Parenthood clients were women over 40 years old. This figure has remained steady over the past few years, according to the organization. So, when people talk about Planned Parenthood clients who need mammography referrals the most, they are referring to a small percentage of total patients.


Dunham’s video that claims to stand for women’s health is really a thin veil of deceit to continue the barbaric practice of abortion. The video, which is made to be emotionally stirring, begins with the words, “This is the story of the incredible women who sacrificed everything to bring us safe and affordable reproductive health care.”

The only sacrifice that has been made in the rooms of Planned Parenthood are the lives of countless unborn babies. Planned Parenthood is neither safe nor affordable.


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