Making Fiction Great Again! 'MAGA 2020 & Beyond' Hits Bookshelves

Have you ever wondered what events await you in a post-2016 election world? Have you imagined what making America great again will actually look like? A group of conservative and libertarian fiction writers has done it for you. MAGA 2020 & Beyond is an anthology published by Superversive Press that includes a collection of short stories and essays by a wide variety of thinkers sure to delight any reader not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). From Barron Trump’s escapades in a military “Trump Mech” suit to stopping zombie invaders at the completed border wall to a dystopic future in Canada where reparations are taken from your account by street police if you offend a minority, MAGA 2020 & Beyond is what winning looks like in book form.


For years we conservatives have complained impotently about the derailing culture and lack of entertainment choices, and yet, which one of us stepped up to fill the void? We watched literature join the dumpster fire that is modern culture and cried tears of helplessness. But no more. Take heart, for men and women of action have arrived! Superversive Press, whose controversial Forbidden Thoughts anthology captured our attention in January 2017, has been hard at work to turn the tide. According to their latest press release, “With published books by two Dragon Award nominees, and more works prepared for release in the coming year, Superversive Press is leading the way to a newer, more hopeful future for science fiction and fantasy.”

Milo Yiannopoulos writes the anthology’s forward, lamenting the lack of creativity in publishing.

Where are the Orwells and the Vonneguts and the Asimovs today? Are there no imaginative left-wing writers still around? … In the age of Trump, I fear they are suffering from an even greater crisis of imagination. They are so consumed by rage and anger that they appear unable to come up with new ideas. Instead, they refer back to old books like Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.

These days publishing houses are even hiring sensitivity readers. No, really. It’s the newest thing for publishers to hire some perpetually offended millennial to screen books for triggers and offenses that would send their peers to the floor shrieking and stuttering and demanding Play-Doh. Children’s books can no longer have characters that resemble American Indians, even if they are just leaf fairies or children playing dress-up, because it’s “racist.” White authors cannot write black characters because of racism and cultural appropriation (but if they don’t include black characters they are also racists who don’t have enough diversity in their books). It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so damaging to our culture and way of life. MAGA 2020 & Beyond partakes in none of the groveling genuflecting to social justice and instead blows it all to bits with uproarious fun and outlandish suppositions. Yiannopoulos agrees.


This collection of short stories is a reminder of what political literature can and should be, from the hilarious to the horrifying to the downright intriguing. There are tales of dystopia, such as Free Falling, a story of man struggling to hold on to the American Dream in the nightmare world of totalitarian Canada. There’s M.A.G.A.I, the story of a robot who takes the President’s command to “Make America Great Again” literally. There’s “The Last Hippie,” which imagines an America re-unifying after the disastrous attempts of left-wing coastal enclaves to live as separate nations. This book also features nonfiction essays from some of the finest writers in the New Right, to fire up your intellect and tickle your imagination. Let the age of alternative publishing begin!

Hear, Hear! It’s about time! Support alt-publishing and go buy this today. 




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