Media Malpractice: Episode 654,798,924
Happy Thursday, dear friends of the Kruiser Morning Briefing. Thursdays are my Fridays, so I have a little extra bounce in my step. Or would if I weren’t sitting at a desk. And if bouncing were the sort of thing I did.
Terrified of being embarrassed like they were in 2016, our truth-averse advocacy media hacks are working overtime sowing seeds of dishonesty to prevent President Trump from winning a second term.
I run in some very weird circles personally, professionally, and on social media. A lot of my Facebook feed, for example, is filled with leftist comedian friends of mine whom I’ve known for a very long time, some I’m pretty close to. As you can imagine, it’s a hot mess of Trump Derangement Syndrome crap-posting these days. Yeah, it has been since he was elected, but it’s grown like an angry Hulk — the real Hulk, not the nerd wuss hybrid in Endgame — these past two months.
I generally tune them out. It’s a little dance we’ve done for decades. I’ve always been conservative and my politics were always known to my friends in the entertainment industry but we come from a time when liberals didn’t want to cancel anyone who disagreed with them. My friends, colleagues, and I made it work quite well for thirty years.
Buuuuut…it’s 2020.
While I still adhere to the “I don’t let it get to me” policy that I wrote about in (BOOK PLUG INCOMING) Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage, it doesn’t mean I can’t needle my leftist friends. It just means that I don’t get upset when they lose their Trump-hating minds on me.
Every once in a while if I make the mistake of hitting Facebook after an adult beverage or four, I might leave a comment on one of my liberal comedian friends’ Trump-hatey rage posts. After one escalated discussion with a close friend, I began paying a little more attention to what my other FB lefties were going on about.
They were all mad at media lies. There wasn’t a policy disagreement among the lot of them. Mostly it was the oft-debunked “he called the virus a hoax” media myth, and the “very fine people” false media narrative.

When the Facebook keyboard warriors aren’t raging, they’re smirking and congratulating one another on being smarter than everyone else, a false sense of superiority also based on media lies.
The most recent topic of smirk was the annual convergence of bikers upon Sturgis, South Dakota, which was dubbed by the media as a supposed COVID “superspreader” event.
Cool story bro, but it never happened.
VodkaPundit well and truly shredded this fairy tale yesterday. In addition to providing the real numbers, Mr. Green gives a disturbing rundown of how many once-respected media outlets were willing to run with the fantastical false narrative stats.
Why did they?
Bikers kinda like America and Trump. ‘Nuff said.

Author Bob Woodward has crawled out from under his Democratic patron rock with a book he hopes will permanently damage President Trump’s hopes for re-election. He accuses Trump of downplaying the coronavirus threat in the early days of this year. Like the “very fine people” thing, this is based on deliberately misrepresenting something the president said, the context of which is plain to any fourth-grader.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the man who was with Trump during DAILY PRESIDENTIAL BRIEFINGS ABOUT THE VIRUS, came to the president’s defense. Matt wrote about it here.
The irony here is that the lefties think it’s conservatives who are swayed by fake news. In reality, they’re just a bunch of dumb fish who keep biting empty hooks and getting reeled in by the media.
While We’re On The Subject
Reporter from @AP thinking you won’t read the story. She taught school from home and the only week she was at the school was during teachers workweek with no students. So there is no way she was infected by her students.
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) September 10, 2020
Based on the yard signs I’m seeing, Biden will finish 3rd behind Trump and LOST CAT.
— Lizzy Lou Who 🍂 (@_wintergirl93) September 9, 2020
Lib. So No One Would Want to See Her Topless.
Woman votes topless after being told to cover anti-Trump shirt at New Hampshire polling place
— The Hill (@thehill) September 10, 2020
PJM Linktank
Me, using my words. Clinically Deranged Adam Schiff Mounts His Dead Russia Horse Again
VodkaPundit: Insanity Wrap #46: Antifa/BLM Launch ‘Bring Your Daughter to Riot Day’
Chad Wolf Sets the Record Straight on Portland, ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Riots, and COVID
FLASHBACK: Nancy Pelosi Downplayed Coronavirus, Biden Accused Trump of Fearmongering
Because why not. Did a Math Error Lead to the Never-Ending COVID-19 Lockdowns?
Trump Downplayed Coronavirus Threat While the Media Ratcheted Up Hysteria. Who Was Right?
This Obama-Biden Administration Failure Killed More Americans Than COVID-19
When Trump Takes On the Military-Industrial Complex, He Echoes This Beloved American President
Oxford Vaccine Trial on Hold After Patient Has Adverse Reaction
Has the Second American Civil War Already Started?
Critical Race Theory Starting in Kindergarten Will Shred Our Social Fabric and it Is Already Here
Joe Biden Is Seen Huffing and Puffing – And Blowing His Campaign Down?
[WATCH] Man Caught Urinating on Trump Yard Sign Got More Than He Bargained For
Me: Binge-Worthy Entertainment That Won’t Bury You In Wokeness
Tom Cotton Is Right: ‘It’s Time for Roe v. Wade to Go’
VIP Gold
REPLAY AVAILABLE: VIP Gold Live Chat with VodkaPundit, Kruiser, and Preston
What Are The 2A Records Of Trump’s New SCOTUS Shortlist?
From the Mothership and Beyond
Schlichter: Expect Democrat Shenanigans, But Don’t Panic
Yikes. In photos: Bay Area enveloped in smoke as wildfires rage across California
PURGE THE SQUISHES. DeWine Wants OH Legislature To Pass His Gun Control Bill
Biden, Harris Want CA-Style Gun Laws, But There’s A Problem
Maybe the fate of the entire Constitution. Does Second Amendment’s Fate Hinge On This Election?
Gun-Related Crime In “No-Guns” Japan
NYC Sees 25-Year High In “Gun Arrests”
LOLOL. WATCH: The Best Six Second Political Ad… Ever
Zero Congressional Democrats Have Signed Onto Pledge Opposing Defunding the Police
Rochester Police Union Calls for Mayor’s Resignation. And She Responds.
??????? So Who’s the SJW That Thought a Whites Only Cafe Was a Good Idea?
Reporter Asks Why It’s Okay For Trump to Hold Rallies. McEnany Explains a Glaring Double Standard.
Amen. ‘Catholics for Biden’ Is a Bad Joke
Biden Supporters Indicted for Robbery and Assault After Mugging a 7-Year-Old of His MAGA Hat
San Fran Nan Tried to Destroy Salon Owner; Now, There’s Some Awesome News
Yes, We’re That Far Gone: New York High School Student Gets Suspended for Showing up to School
‘Thuggery’: Trump Pummels Pittsburgh Restaurant Rioters, AKA ‘Biden Voters’
Hmmm…wonder who they’re trying to hide? Portland passes strongest facial recognition ban in the US
The Hoax Book That Became an Anarchist and Hippie Bible
BLM War On Kelly Loeffler Escalates – Sell Shares In WNBA Team, Or Else
Mediaite: Joe Biden’s Instagram “Ask Me Anything!” Still Missing One Important Thing
As long as I get my doughnuts. Dunkin’ Testing Food Pickup Where You Never See A Human Being
Steele’s FBI Handler Considered His Behavior ‘Crazy’
US to withdraw 2,200 troops from Iraq by end of September
Question for Los Angeles: If kids dress like Antifa can they go trick-or-treating?
Covid vaccine: 8,000 jumbo jets needed to deliver doses globally, says IATA
Democrats’ Plot to Abolish Election Night
Bee Me
California Looter Frustrated His New TV Requires Electricity To Work
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 9, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
The Chamber of the Giants, with floor to ceiling frescoes, is a Renaissance masterpiece by Giulio Romano in Palazzo Te.
— Architecture Hub (@architecturehub) September 10, 2020
I’m ready to drunken Ouija board my way through the rest of this year.
Editor’s Note: Want to support PJ Media so we can continue telling the truth about the Biden-Harris campaign? Join PJ Media VIP TODAY and use the promo code LAWANDORDER to get 25% off your VIP membership.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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