Schiff to Russia: “I Can’t Quit You.”
As has been pointed out by many of us recently, the Democrats really aren’t behaving as if their presidential candidate had a substantial lead in the polls.
Yes, the polls have been tightening, but the Dems have been in a sort of flop-sweat panic mode since the Republican National Convention ended. There is, of course, the fact that every public appearance by der Bidengaffer since then has been hovering in the neighborhood of “unmitigated disaster.”
The Democrats do seem to be trying to get to their October surprises early this year. That reeks of desperation.
Speaking of reeking, California’s little impeachment pitbull Adam Schiff is back. Guess what, kids? He’s got another whistleblower!
The House Intelligence Committee received a whistleblower complaint claiming Trump administration officials at the White House and the Department of Homeland Security suppressed intelligence reports related to Russian election interference, Democratic Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said Wednesday.
In a statement, Schiff said former Intelligence and Analysis Acting Under Secretary Brian Murphy filed the whistleblower reprisal complaint on Tuesday with the DHS Office of Inspector General.
“We’ve received a whistleblower complaint alleging DHS suppressed intel reports on Russian election interference, altered intel to match false Trump claims and made false statements to Congress,” Schiff, D-Calif., tweeted Wednesday afternoon. “This puts our national security at risk.”

I honestly didn’t think that Schiff and his fellow Democrats could beat this dead horse any longer, but here we are. Every attempt to make Trump and Russia a thing has been such a spectacular failure that I almost feel sorry for the Dems for being so scared that they have to subject themselves to further humiliation.
More from Fox News:
Republicans swiftly pushed back against Schiff, who played a prominent role in promoting the account of a whistleblower at the heart of Trump’s impeachment case.
“Yet another whistleblower complaint pushed into the limelight by Schiff, this one coming shortly before a presidential election – anyone who takes this at face value is ignoring Schiff’s long record of perpetuating hoaxes that are extremely similar to this,” a House Republican source told Fox News.
That’s the thing, isn’t it? Schiff’s got credibility in his own caucus, the extremely dishonest mainstream media, and absolutely nowhere else in real America.

What’s next in this panic play, Democrats? Are you going to bring back Stormy Daniels and have her tag-team with Schiff for Trump-bashing CNN and MSNBC appearances again?
What sane people have always found patently absurd about the Russia hoax is that there is no way in hell that Putin would prefer to have Trump running the United States over any easily-manipulated Democrat. If he could have, Putin would have installed Barack Obama in the presidency for life.
Trump’s a little too Alpha for Putin. Biden will do anything for a lollipop and a nap. I think we know who Moscow would like to see in office.
The Dems are no doubt just grasping at straws and hoping for a media circus that will at least allow them to talk about impeachment a lot before the election.
“If he’s re-elected he’s going to get impeached anyway. ZOMG CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS OR SOMETHING!”
I can’t imagine that the American public will be more amenable to Granny Boxwine and the Chinless Crusader screeching “IMPEACHMENT!” and “RUSSIA!” into the cold, dark night now than they were late last year and early this year.
I am, however, more than eager to watch them fail at it again.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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