
Solving the Groomer School Problem Is Easy. Keep Calm and Sue Everyone!

Source: Megan Fox

There are few developments more disturbing in 2022 than adults waxing orgasmic with a desire to talk to five-year-olds about mythical genders and sexual orientation from the perspective of the LGBTQWTF cult (hereafter called 🌈 cult). But for some reason, elementary school teachers with the consent of their districts are doing just that. While Florida and Georgia and a few other states are writing laws to stop some of the behavior, there’s no need for parents to wait for laws to catch up to sanity.

Take this example below. A teacher who claims to be “trans” gave a lesson to what is reported as K-2nd graders where she told them that sex is not real. “When babies are born the doctor looks and makes a guess on whether the baby is a boy or a girl. Sometimes the doctor is wrong,” she said. “If they are right, the baby is cisgender.” There is nothing about any of this that is accurate or scientific. This is a cult. This is a religion, and it is violating the rights of every student who is not a part of the 🌈 cult. PJ Media reached out to the school for comment and did not hear back in time for publishing. Smart parents have recourse against assaults on reality like this and don’t need laws to make this grooming stop.

RELATED: It’s On: Groomer School in Massachusetts Sued for Hiding ‘Gender Identity’ From Parents

What steps can you take to make sure this does not happen to your child? The first advice I have for you is, if at all possible, get your children into a parochial school or homeschool for the elementary years. It is much easier to navigate a public high school when your child has been grounded in truth. There are plenty of financial aid programs (especially through the Catholic diocese) to help you afford private school. It is the early years that matter the most. Almost all sex ed is taught in the primary grades. This is when the brainwashing can take hold the easiest. If anyone doubts it, remember how easy it was to convince your children that Santa Clause is real. Kids will literally believe anything you tell them, including whoppers like “there’s a fairy who steals teeth and leaves quarters,” or “a giant bunny left baskets of chocolate for you!”

But if you cannot avoid the hell that is public school, there are ways to minimize the radicals’ influence on your kids.

Get a lawyer

It’s worth every penny to retain a lawyer for your children. You can do this for as little as $300 or even barter for services with a case of wine (like I did). I find it helpful in life to befriend lawyers. Find a lawyer who will strategize with you and write a letter on your child’s behalf to the school. (Or, better yet, write the letter yourself and then have the lawyer edit it the way he or she wants. This also saves money.) This letter should put the school on notice that your child has legal representation. You will notice when you sign a child up for school, they send you mountains of paperwork to sign with all kinds of statements and legalese on them. Make sure you read them. And if anything seems off to you, cross it out, refuse to sign it, and send it back with demands of your own. For example, one of the many pieces of paper that came to me to sign my child up for a public school said that if a police officer or an agent of the state came to speak to my child at school they would be allowed to. Are they kidding?

That’s a hard no.

Your child has all the rights in the Constitution that you have including the right to be free from unreasonable searches or seizures and the right to due process and an attorney. My attorney wrote to the school informing them that my daughter has legal representation, that we would not agree to sign anything that said a state agency could interrogate her without legal representation, and that the school must notify the attorney if any such agent should show up demanding to speak to my minor child. They didn’t like it, and their attorneys sent back a letter claiming they have no obligation to do as we asked. That’s an interesting face-saving move, but they aren’t going to want to tangle with me in court about whether or not a minor has a right to an attorney when being interrogated by police. Don’t make me laugh. I would LOVE to fight that one out in front of a judge. Despite their bluster, I now have proof that they were notified that my daughter has an attorney who should be present at any interrogation by police or state agencies. That’s a powerful thing, and it sets me up for a win if they overstep and ignore a perfectly reasonable request for a minor to have legal representation. It also put the school on notice to watch out for me. I have claws and I mean business.

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I have also trained my children from the time they were little to never speak to the police or government agents. That sounds extreme, I know. But we went over different scenarios about when it’s okay to speak to the police and when it isn’t. For instance, if you’re lost, you can speak to a police officer. If you’re at a carnival and the police are there doing community outreach, it’s okay to talk to them. If your best friend’s dad is a cop, then you obviously speak to him very respectfully and be on your best behavior at his house! But if the children are ever detained by police or approached by police during school and questioned, they all know to say “please call my attorney” and stop speaking. I have put their attorney’s phone number on their phones. They know to call her if they should ever find themselves in this situation. If you can make your kids sit for this awesome class taught by a lawyer and a police officer called “Don’t Talk to the Police,” even better!

Set clear boundaries

Other additions to the letter should include clear guidelines about how you expect the school to respect the religious rights of your child. The school is not afraid to inform you of all their do’s and don’ts, so why would we respond any differently? I propose something like this (and of course, have your own attorney go over any letter before sending it):

Student X is a [insert religion here]. Her faith is important to her and to her family. Public school teachers have a duty to respect her deeply held religious beliefs. The public school through its teachers or curriculum does not have the authority to countermand the teachings of her parents. As practicing [insert religion here], the X family has deeply held beliefs on sexuality and sexual morals. If there is any instruction on sex or sexuality, or “gender,” the student’s parents must be informed prior to that instruction and given copies of the curriculum. At that point, the student’s parents will inform the school if it has permission to teach that curriculum to the student. At no time shall the student be subject to any education on sex or sexuality or “gender” without the informed consent of his/her parents. This includes not only classroom instruction but any outside instructors who may come to the school to do any presentation on any of these topics, any school-sponsored celebration day of “pride” or any other attempt to coopt the student into a political movement that is deeply opposed to her religious upbringing. Failure to notify the student’s parents will be considered a breach of the student’s First Amendment rights to practice his/her religion without government interference or undue pressure from state agents.

In Routten v Routten, the Supreme Court of the United States found that under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution “parents have a fundamental right to direct the care, custody, and control of their children,” and that the “government shall not interfere with this right unless and until a parent is proven unfit.” As fit and willing parents of student X, Mr. and Mrs. X will defend their right to parent in all matters including education. The school is also hereby put on notice that any information about the student and her psychological, mental, spiritual, or physical well-being is not to be kept from her parents. If any school policy allows school officials or teachers to hide information about the minor student from her parents it is in direct violation of the Supreme Court ruling that parents have the fundamental right to direct the care, custody and control of their children. Any attempt to interfere with that relationship will be seen as a hostile act by the government against parents’ rights as described by the Supreme Court.

Engle v. Vitale should also concern any school district that continues to push one set of beliefs onto students who come from all different religious backgrounds. That case found that “whenever government had allied itself with one particular form of religion, the inevitable result had been that it had incurred the hatred, disrespect and even contempt of those who held contrary beliefs.” The extreme gender ideology being embraced and taught by public schools is a religious belief system. It is based on nothing but faith that a girl can become a boy. It is not based on science, which says sex is innate and unchangeable. Sex is a biological fact. Any teaching to the contrary is a radical belief system that has no place in a government school. Any school that continues to push these radical beliefs will open itself up to lawsuits alleging the infringement of the separation of church and state. Adopting these radical beliefs into curriculum constitutes placing the weight of the government behind those subjective and controversial beliefs. According to Engle v. Vitale “when the power, prestige and financial support of government is placed behind a particular religious belief, the indirect coercive pressure upon religious minorities to conform to the prevailing officially approved religion is plain.”

Student X will not be coercively pressured by this public institution or any of its employees to conform to their approved cult beliefs. Any attempt to make Student X do so will be met with legal remedies.

Once the school knows that you have an attorney and you have preemptively used that attorney to lay down some ground rules, the chances of them messing with your kid go way down.

Be known at the school

The first thing I did when I was considering placing my daughter in the public school was set an appointment with the superintendent. During that meeting, I informed him of all my concerns about the indoctrination in the public school system including the extreme 🌈 cult programming. I asked him if they had school-sponsored “pride” days and said that if they did, I expected to be informed because my child would not be participating. I explained to him that we are a religious family and our religious rights must be protected by the state—and that includes the school system. Our right to practice our religion must not be infringed, which means that other religious ceremonies or rituals forced onto my child are not acceptable. It seemed like he had never had this conversation with anyone before. He assured me that he didn’t think I would have any difficulty at the school and that there were no school-sponsored 🌈 cult events. I reiterated to him that any 🌈 cult programming would be seen by me as every bit as upsetting as a Muslim child being forced to eat bacon. That analogy seemed to hit home the most. I also assured him that if it happened to my child, I would seek all legal remedies to make it stop.

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It does not hurt to let it be known that whatever is inflicted on your child will be repaid to the culprits in the form of years of litigation. The beautiful (and also terrible) thing about the American court system is that the very process is the punishment. Make them know you are prepared to sue them personally and drag it out for the next 10 years whether you win or lose. The process is the punishment, and there aren’t many school administrators who look forward to years of litigation with an angry parent. Most of the time, the mere threat of a lawsuit will make them very careful around your child. I like to put it in easy-to-understand terms: we can do this the friendly way and respect one another or we can do it the ugly, expensive, and hard way. I’m game for either. They usually choose the easy way. The last institution that chose the hard way got a 600-page book written about it and lost a $55,000 judgment in a lawsuit that cost them over half a million dollars. I make fighting me hurt. Stephen Kruiser thinks that just the fear of litigation is powerful medicine, and I agree to a point. What’s more powerful is actually litigating and getting a reputation for it. I believe you must have the will to follow through in order to really make them pay attention.

Recognize the inherent danger of challenging the all-powerful state:

There is a danger inherent in challenging a powerful entity. The danger is that you could encounter one of the hardcore whackos who will declare war on you and even call the state and report you for child abuse just to get rid of you. That can and does happen. How do you avoid that? I am at a significant advantage because of my work. When the administrators Google me and see that I have a big microphone, they want nothing to do with me. That’s a fight they don’t want. But if you’re not in my position, you’re at greater risk of being a target of harassment.

One excellent way to mitigate that risk is to find a group of parents to all go in on a lawyer together and submit the letter as a group. Most parent groups have more than one lawyer in the bunch anyway. A letter from a group of parents makes the school think “class action lawsuit,” which is much scarier. Plus, if they try to retaliate against ten families, the chances of the local press getting interested in that story are much better than if they retaliated against one. (And if this did happen to you, let me know. Getting press on your situation can help.) Here in New York, several school boards retaliated against parents who protested the mask mandates, including one who is a lawyer! Chad Hummel had to face criminal charges, of which he was finally found not guilty, for refusing to wear a mask outside at a sporting game more than 150 feet away from anyone else. The school had him arrested. His legal license was at stake with that arrest. Other parents were branded a “terror threat” by the FBI for protesting at board meetings. There can be serious consequences for taking on the state so be aware.

But if American parents don’t start fighting back against the overreaching schools usurping parental rights, it will be too late. Unlike some conservatives, I don’t think it’s too late to save the school system from radical ideologies. It simply will take many battles with good strategy. So get prepared, lawyer up, keep calm, and sue everyone.

If you need some inspiration, I have new merch. 







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