
Why 'Clown World' by Tom MacDonald Should Have Won Song of The Year

Image from video.

If awards meant anything, and they don’t, then Tom MacDonald’s new release “Clown World” should win every major award available. As a proud member of Generation X, I’m not opposed to rap. I just get bored with the sameness of it all and the glorification of thug culture which does no one any good. But the genre itself is truly its own category of poetry and art that is unique. There’s something extremely powerful about the spoken word and when it’s done right it can express rage and a variety of human emotion in ways that a piano ballad can’t.

Tom MacDonald has tapped into the boiling rage bubbling up and into American life with his recent hits, “Fake Woke,” which destroys the cancel culture and race-baiters, and “Clown World,” which takes on divided America with a sledgehammer. It’s beautiful. The lyrics should be studied in high school classrooms across America, but that won’t happen while the clowns are in charge. Instead, they’re probably studying the lyrics to “WAP” by Cardi B.

But if I were teaching a class in a public school, I would print these lyrics out and go through it line by line like Michelle Pfeiffer breaking down Bob Dylan in that dumb movie she made about the white lady who saves the brown kids in the bad school. (I’d be less annoying, though.)

You worried ’bout leaving a better planet for our kids
How ’bout leaving better kids for our planet
Entire generation offended at everything
Getting mad that a human thinks all lives matter
We don’t need black or white or left or right
What we need is common sense, we need balance
We’re all in the same boat, why you tryna make holes?
If they sink, we sink, this is madness
I’m offended that you’re offended by me taking offense
Trump can’t build a wall, why does your house have a fence?
I believe in two genders, I’m not mad at the rest
I’m just confused when a dude has a beard and some breasts
We won’t always agree, no
I don’t hate all police, no
I don’t think that the system’s racist
I just think the system hates people

Me too, Tom. Me too. The system does hate people and it’s time we faced it. Whoever set this reality up doesn’t like people very much. We seem to be just different herds with different purposes, but livestock, nonetheless. The system (Deep State or elites) pits men against women, parents against children, minorities against whites, and rich against poor. Meanwhile, they’re pillaging the coffers while we’re all fighting to survive. It’s a brilliant and diabolical plan.

I think fighting violence with more violence is what they want
Viruses and riots, people dying, we won’t stay home
Black lives matter, all lives matter, what’s all this division for?
It’s modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war
Burn the circus down ’cause the world is full of clowns
They’re all stupid and they’re proud, making smiles on they mouths
I don’t hang with Bozos, homie, I can’t be around you
Anyone who knows me, knows my feet don’t fit in clown shoes

“Stupid and proud” pretty much describes everyone in our elite class, doesn’t it? I’ve never seen so many people who are proud of their own glaring limitations than the folks wandering the halls of Congress or gracing the stage at awards shows. Cardi B comes to mind. This person might have the IQ of a pineapple with the libido and the subtlety of a dog in heat but somehow, she’s a celebrated role-model for young women. Clowns.

When I was a child, the only races that we hated
Were the ones that we ran and didn’t win
Then we stopped playing with each other, started hating on each other
Started noticing the color of our skin
Christians and atheists, immigrants, patriots
We love the country but we are not saving it
Wages don’t raise through the rate of inflation
And half of the country hates all of the nation, it’s
Funny that we think the world owes us something
All the phones got smart but the people so dumb
We care more about the likes and our selfies than our moms
And the only time we ever speak the truth’s when we’re drunk
We won’t always agree, no
I don’t hate all police, no
Your thoughts and opinions ain’t facts
And they are not defining my reality, no

“Half of the country hates all of the nation” is a sobering thought that haunts me regularly. How did we get here? How did we arrive at a place where half of the country despises our flag, hates God, hates borders, and hates American culture? It’s a head-scratcher with many nuanced and complicated answers, but when you boil it down to the basics: The commies won.

I think picking sides divides, it’s probably what has got us here
United States is great regardless, that’s what we forgot in here
Black lives matter, all lives matter, what’s all this division for
It’s modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war
Burn this circus down ’cause the world is full of clowns
They’re all stupid and they’re proud, painted smiles on they mouths
I don’t hang with bozos, homie, I can’t be around you
Anyone who knows me knows my feet don’t fit in clown shoes
They tell you, “Be yourself”, and then they judge you on the internet
Till everybody hates you for it
If Jesus was alive, I swear to God that y’all would cancel him
‘Cause lately being negative’s the real new normal, yeah
If you’re thick, you’re fat, you’re rich, you’re bad
You’re poor, you’re black, you’re white, you’re whack, they lie, it’s facts
My generation needs a bunch of free condoms
‘Cause common sense ain’t that common
This is what they wanted, this is how they planned it
This is to control everyone on the planet
Then we put each other in caskets, protest in panic
And they take advantage to manage the damage
We won’t always agree, no
Freedom doesn’t come free, no
There was people fighting, dying overseas
So that you could have freedom and be home

The only thing wrong with these lyrics is that Jesus did get canceled by the people of his day. What he had to say was so revolutionary that he was murdered for it. That’s a cancellation on a different level, but that’s where we will end up as the powers that be demonize and dehumanize a group of people (currently white Christian Republicans). It won’t be long before it’s perfectly acceptable to murder undesirable people tapped by the elite ruling class for destruction. If history teaches us anything, state-sanctioned murder is around the corner.

I think the elites are real but they ain’t drinking babies’ blood
They’re creating chaos so they have something to save you from
Black lives matter, all lives matter, what’s all this division for?
It’s modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war
Burn this circus down ’cause the world is full of clowns
They’re all stupid and they’re proud, painted smiles on they mouths
I don’t hang with bozos, homie, I can’t be around you
Anyone who knows me knows my feet don’t fit in clown shoes

MacDonald even addressed the Q phenomenon and did it brilliantly in two sentences. This is talent. “I think the elites are real but they ain’t drinking babies’ blood, They’re creating chaos so they have something to save you from.” It’s obvious that the ruling class thrives on chaos. Never forget Obama acolyte and former mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel once slipped up and proclaimed out loud that they should never let a crisis go to waste. They feed off crisis and chaos. They want a civil war. They love division, hatred, fear, and loathing.

But perhaps they’ve overplayed their hand if rappers like MacDonald are catching on and calling them out. “Clown World” has passed five million views on YouTube and the driving, rage-filled emotions behind it are resonating with people sick of being pawns in a twisted game. Congratulations to MacDonald for being relevant, timely, and actually edgy in the vacuum of talentless hackery that is the music industry. He won’t be invited to perform anywhere because of it.



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