Reality Check: Let's Talk About Those '496 Anti-LGBT' Bills Throughout the U.S.

(AP Photo/Andre Penner)

Leftists love nothing more than rolling around like a pig in a thick puddle of victimy goodness, and those good-for-nothing Bolshie tricksters from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are happy to help them achieve scapegoat nirvana.


The mega-pinkos at the ACLU have compiled a list of “496 anti-LGBT bills” up for consideration in the 2023 legislative session, some of which have already passed into law but most of which have been defeated. The ACLU apparatchiks refer to these as “bills targeting LGBTQ rights,” but as you’re about to see, this isn’t even in the neighborhood of reality — unless you think the LGBT’s angry Gaystapo has a right to groom your kid, beat your daughter to a pulp in a martial arts match, or keep you from knowing what your children are learning at school.

FACT-O-RAMA! Your purple-haired, non-binary sibling-in-law will be quick to squawk that these bills are equal to “trans genocide,” but you can bet your pickup against zher Prius that zhey hasn’t read a single one.

The highest profile bill is what the leftists laughingly referred to as Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which is now a law. Nowhere does the word “gay” appear.

Here is the vital line in Florida’s “genocidal” Bill 1557:

Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

The law also states:

A school district may not adopt procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying a parent about his or her student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being, or a change in related services or monitoring, or that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a student to withhold from a parent such information. School district personnel may not discourage or prohibit parental notification of and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being.


In other words, a school must tell parents if their kids are suffering from a mental illness, which would include gender dysphoria. Schools have bent over backward to avoid telling parents that their son Carl believes he is Carla now.

What can happen when schools hide a kid’s anguish? Child trafficking.

Related: GRAPHIC: School Hides Girl’s ‘Transition’ From Parents, and the Predators Moved In

I looked at dozens of bills, mostly from southern, red states. Most of them involve protecting kids from gender-related surgeries as well as LGBT curriculums in schools.

Some bills, like Texas SB265, which called for “required reports of certain vaccine-related or drug-related adverse events,” apparently have nothing to do with the LGBT movement. Texas SB3164 tried to prohibit “diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and employees at public institutions of higher education.” It did not mention the LGBT community at all. The bill failed.

There are a few bills that refer to restroom privacy in schools. Others involve changing gender on birth certificates.

Other bills called for criminals to be imprisoned with people of the same gender. What could go wrong by sending trans dudettes into women’s prisons?

Related: Lefty Lunacy: Half of Wisconsin’s Trans Inmates Have One Thing in Common

So let’s take a look at some of the states with the most bills targeting “LGBT rights.”


Mississippi had 24 bills, but 22 were defeated. Like other states, almost every bill involved one of the following:

  • Prohibiting Medicaid and/or insurance funds from being spent on transgender surgeries.
  • Prohibiting transgender surgeries for kids under 18 years old. Another bill tried to prohibit the same surgeries for people under 21 years old.
  • A parent’s right to know their kids’ school curriculum, and mental and physical health.
  • Defining what is a man and what is a woman.
  • Criminalizing gender reassignment surgeries on minors.

Twenty-two of the bills were defeated. The only bills to pass were Mississippi HB 1125, which prohibits kids under 18 years old from using Medicaid to pay for gender reassignment surgeries, and HB 1733 which is a tax-related addendum to 1125.

Apparently, the ACLU thinks giving parents the right to know what their kids are being taught is “anti-LGBT,” and not wanting to pay for a confused man’s Frankengina is somehow genocide.

Texas had 56 bills: 51 were defeated and five passed into law, including Texas SB12, which reads: “Relating to the authority to regulate sexually oriented performances and to restricting those performances on the premises of a commercial enterprise, on public property, or in the presence of an individual younger than 18 years of age; authorizing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.”

The ACLU referred to this law, which prohibits drag queens from shaking their shaved bahookies in the faces of kids, as an attack on “Free speech and Expression.” The bill passed.


Again, a vast majority of the bills were defeated. Some were rewritten and failed again.

South Carolina has 20 bills, all of which are advancing in the courts. They include the usual suspects: prohibiting drag shows for kids, gender identity in schools, and chopping up confused kids; and affirming parental rights. Bill H.3801 protects religious people (read: Christians) who provide foster care and adoption services from being ostracized for their faith, and it prohibits their persecution.

Oklahoma has 35 bills on the books, almost all of which protect children, either from transgender surgeries, transgender athletes, and sex/gender studies. Bill SB30 prohibits school officials from using a child’s differing “names and pronouns” without parental permission.

What Have We Learned?

The ACLU is bursting with liarheads.

Of the roughly 135 bills I looked at, a vast majority involved protecting kids. Some bills prohibit doctors from carving up children. Others seek to keep kids from watching needy men in thongs dancing for dollar bills. Many of the bills allow parents to know what their kids are learning in school or preserve the rights of young women to compete with other girls and not boys in dresses. Some simply state that teachers can’t teach sex and/or gender studies to young children until they reach a certain age.

Some called for punishments for medical officials who surgically or chemically alter kids’ bodies and for teachers who encourage kids to “identify” as transgender and hide this from their parents.


None of the bills prevented adults from gender reassignment surgery, though some bills sought to prohibit Medicaid and insurance companies from footing the bill.

Some bills sought to keep men in prison with men, but nationwide, many states refused to enact those bills into law.

California had one bill that sought to force school officials to alert parents if their child “identifies” as something other than their biological gender. It failed.


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